Close call (chap 5)

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No one's pov

Izuku once again dawned his disguise. It was the next day and soon enough there'd be calls for his capture soon. Not only as Salvare, but as his civilian self too. He sighed to himself as he turned the corner. A black mask covering the lower half of his face. He styled the wig differently today. Small braids were randomly placed among the straight thick strands. He left two pieces of hair alone at the front of his face and tucked the rest behind his ears.

He blinked his contacts into place. He wouldn't tell anyone, but he enjoyed changing his appearance. Though a disguise was just a grown up version of dress up, he liked it none the less. He's able to be anyone he wishes like this, and no one would think twice. Police don't look for specifics. They're given a ague description. Green/black hair, green eyes, freckles, peach skin, 5'5, 15 year old male. They wouldn't view for a person who looked 18, with red hair, black eyes, clear skin, tattoos, and was around 5'8. 

Gaining information as a vigilante isn't easy. He would be recognized in his usual set up. His civilian self held too much in the underground, being Deku and all. Though he does agree that he shouldn't have enjoyed wearing a dress and long wig as much as he did. What can he say? Women get more info. Since most of the underground is filled with sleezebags with loose lips, women hear much from being in their presence alone. Though when the other type of sexism is involved, masculine get ups do the trick.

Izuku made sure to match a personality to the look. He often thought about going undercover as cosplaying in a way. He did base off these many personalities and traits from book characters he had read about in the library. The teen didn't have enough faith in his imagination to create actual people. There's different types of intelligence, and creativity wasn't one of his strong suits.

Midoriya walked into a simple grocery store, the bell dinging as he entered. He started looking around. He needed food, that much is obvious. If he was going to be keeping this up for as long as he was planning, he needed to be in good shape. This included not starving himself or getting an hour of sleep. He's had issues with food and sleep  in the past, and no way was he going to let himself fall back into that hellish suffering. He'd rather be stabbed than starved, and he lived by that.

Acting normal, (actual normal- not the fake awkwardness that is a drama movie) he put food and anything he needed in a basket. It wasn't weird to have a face mask on, a simple answer being your quirk and no one would bat an eye. He did get some weird looks, and one woman even pulled her child a bit closer to her, but that was normal. One his basket was full he simply walked over and stayed in line. 

When the bell dinged he looked over to the door. Walking in was the detective himself. 


Izuku tried not to look away right away, he slowly turned back. Like how you would if you weren't a missing kid running from the police. Yeah, just like that. The option of lying his way out of things was a definite no. Tsukauchi would be on his ass quicker than Aizawa could blink. His excuses against civilians wouldn't work, and if the detective overheard, he'd be in trouble.

If he said his anxiety didn't spike 3 levels from the look alone, he'd be lying. Izuku was nervous. His heart rate was increasing. He could basically hear it thump. What if he got caught? What if his disguise wasn't as good as he thought? What if... 

He couldn't stop thinking of all the different scenarios. As Salvare, he didn't have to worry about getting caught when going undercover. But he wasn't Salvare right now. He was Izuku. Getting caught was a bigger issue, because it directly influenced his civilian life. He tried to calm down. Forcing himself to breathe. If he had an anxiety attack now, it'd cause a commotion. With Tsukauchi being the good hearted man he was, he wouldn't hesitate to help.

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