Should I stay or should I go (chap 7)

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okay fair warning I'm totally going off script here I'm now way in hell going to rewatch all these freakin episodes for accuracy, 8/10 of yall dont' remember shit from the second season either so humph>:( -Affoa 


To say Salvare was pissed was an understatement. Not only had Iida been an absolute dumbass and attacked a villain way out of his league, said villain had just stabbed a kid and was read to kill him. So Izuku was pretty livid at the situation. He didn't take his eyes off Stain as the man got up and ready. 

Stain- "A vigilante, huh? Get out of here, I have no business with you."

Salv- "A shame, because last I checked the whole point of the vigilante thing, is putting your nose where it shouldn't be."

Stain leapt forward, reeling his arm back to swing his sword. Salvare tumbled to the side and kicked at the man's legs. He was too slow, however, as Stain had jumped above and backflipped to the ground. Izuku grit his teeth, this would be a pain. It's one thing to fight, but to protect at the same time? Not only was Iida laying on the floor, the pro hero Native was against the wall.

Iida- "Get out of here! This is between me and him!"

Izuku couldn't help but get pissed. Is this teen being serious right now? Izuku just saved his ass and he dare say these things?

Salv- "You know, usually it's a thank you for saving someone's life."

Stain- "He's right, you should leave. I respect what vigilante's do, so there is no need to shed your blood."

The two vigilantes were stuck in an all out brawl. Izuku would defend his best in order to protect Iida and Native, but it was becoming taxing. It was a game of dodge and hit, neither side gaining any good hits nor bad injuries. Izuku still didn't know his quirk, so he had to be extra careful. Getting cut was a big no.

Salv- "Wow. How heroic of you. Taking on any fight for the good of others, being a symbol of protection, a person who is no god but a human who helps others, that's what being a hero is. Your standards are flawed stain."

Stain- "The only true hero is AllMight!"


Stain had frozen just a bit at that. Izuku took the chance to start picking up his pace, hitting the man as much as he could. Izuku knew he was unmatched but he couldn't stop trying. Stain quickly broke out of his trance. He grabbed Salvare's leg and threw him into a wall. Izuku tried to get up, but Stain had brought a small knife to his tongue. Salvare was paralyzed. 

His mind went a mile a minute. He was careful to watch Stain at all times. He analyzed his opponent. It was a skill of survival. He didn't miss how Stain avoided fatal injuries in contrast to smaller ones. Or how the man would try to cut him in any way possible. He didn't know what for, but he noticed. So when he saw the man lick a red substance, and felt his body freeze. He knew.

Stain- "AllMight is a true hero. That will never change."

Izuku had figured the man needed to ingest blood to paralyze his victims. That's all the vigilante could make out in that point in time. On the other hand, he was slowly getting more and more annoyed at this self proclaimed purger of unfit heroes. AllMight? Seriously? That reckless sad excuse for a professional? 

Salv- "You- you're really an idiot, aren't you?"

Stain had given Izuku his whole attention now. Good. Izuku needed to buy time for this to wear off and for Iida and Native to be safe. This wasn't the only reason though, he'd put stain in his place.

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