Chapter 4

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Later, the gang had gotten into the Mystery Machine and went to talk to Elmer Uggins. And wouldn't you know it? He lives in a creepy, old lighthouse.

"Look at that. Our first suspect just HAPPENS to be the keeper of a creepy, old lighthouse." Fred says as they all got out with flashlights

As they walked up the stairs to the door, Shaggy sighed.

"You know, JUST ONCE, i'd like for us to found a mystery that started in a cheery futon showroom." Shaggy comments, getting glares from the others. "What??? Futons offer far more support than traditional mattresses."

When they got up to the door, Fred rang the fog horn of a doorbell. No answer. Fred knocks, no answer. He checked the knob to discover the door was locked, and tried knocking again. But yet again, no answer.

"Well, looks like the light's on, but nobody's home." Daphne says

Fred rose his hand to speak, but Shaggy spoke before him.

"Isn't this the part where we normally split up and look for clues?" Shaggy asks. "I'll go with Velma."

A bit confused, Velma followed Shaggy down the stairs for the split-up.

"Well, guess it's just you guys and me." Fred comments to Daphne and Ruby. "Come on."

Down on the shore land near the lighthouse, Velma and Shaggy were walking around. Shaggy took a few whiffs of the air.

"Oh, Velma, what is that sweet fragrance you're wearing?" Shaggy asks

"Bug and tick repellent." Velma comments. "A special mix I made myself that is really effective in repelling those aforementioned species."

"Well, it sure isn't repelling me." Shaggy comments, whacking a bug that tried to land on him. "It sure is a lovely night, huh? I've always enjoyed strolling beneath the full moon. Werewolves not being present is one thing that makes some of those nights enjoyable."

Velma smiled.

"I too enjoy walking by the light of the silvery moon." Velma comments, chuckling a little

"By the Light of the Silvery Moon....that was a song Yang and Ruby heard a few times in their childhood." Shaggy comments. "It was something their parents would listen to on date nights from what Ruby's told me."

Back near the lighthouse, Fred, Ruby, and Daphne were looking around.

"Hey, Fred, Ruby, you don't think Shaggy could have a crush on Velma, do you?" Daphne asks

"Not unless she turned into a bowl of steaming chili cheese fries." Ruby comments to lighten the mood as a joke

"Why do you ask?" Fred asks

"I don't know, it's just he's been acting really goofy lately, even by his standards." Daphne says. "AND he's been following Velma around like a puppy-dog."

Fred thought before saying, "Actually, that would explain why he asked me all those questions about dating. Buut, I guess he didn't take my advice."

Daphne stopped as everyone else walked forward.

"Advice????" Daphne questions. "Wait, Fred, what advice???"

Back down near the beach, Velma and Shaggy looked around when they heard a low growling before catching sight of something on the rocks.

"Uh< Velma....that wasn't what I thought it was....was it?" Shaggy comments

"I don't know." Velma responds. "Did you surmise that it was classified as an amphibious humanoid creature?"

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