Chapter 9

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That night, not long after, Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby were heading to the home of Hilda Trowburg, the owner of the general store they stopped at earlier on this little adventure. As they go up the road, Daphne deciding to sit in the back seat, they passed by a couple signs. One said 'STAY OUT!', the second one saying 'THAT MEANS YOU!', almost as if it was sentient and knew they were there. The third and final one aid, 'OH, NOW YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!', that third one making Scooby whimper a little.

When actually getting to the house, they all walked up with some flashlights. That's when they saw the hooded figure creeping around on the first floor.

"There she is!!" Fred comments. "Shaggy, Scooby, Velma, you guys go around back, Daphne and I-"

"I'm not going with you!" Daphne comments

Daphne and Fred nearly broke into an argument but Velma broke it up and says, "Let's all just go in at once!!"

"Fine." Fred responds as they ran in

When they all got in, the cloaked witch found the fourth and final moonstone needed for the staff in a box, placing it onto the staff firmly.

"Surprise!!!" Fred comments

"You'll never catch me now!!!" The cloaked witch says, cackling as she ran

"Come on!!" Fred comments

The five then gave chase, chasing after the cloaked witch. The chase leads into a second floor hallway. Fred found the door the cloaked witch ran into.

"In here!!" Fred stated

They all ran in.

"RLet's get her!!" Scooby comments as he was the last one to run in

The hooded witch ran out of the door at the far end of the hallway, everyone else running out after her. Then, the hooded witch ran out of a door next to that one, going across the hall. Daphne peeked out of a door before ducking back into the room she poked her head out of.

"RThis way!!" Scooby says, running out of a door on the left side of the hallway and going to the door diagonally to it's left across the hall

This whole bit would continue for hours nearly before the chase somehow had them loose the hooded witch and they all looked around.

"NOW can we split up???!???" Fred asks

Everyone groaned a little and split up, Daphne going with Fred as Velma went with Scooby and Shaggy. Velma, Scooby, and Shaggy went downstairs as the hooded witch ran into a kitchen.

"Like, this way!" Shaggy comments, the three running into the room the hooded witch went into

"We're right behind you, Shaggy!" Velma comments

When the three ran in, Shaggy screamed at the top of his lungs as the three ran out of the room basically instantly after, the hooded witch not far behind.

"CHANGE OF PLANS!!! CHANGE OF PLANS!!!!!!" Shaggy yelped

The three had headed for elsewhere in the house, Velma tripping and her glasses falling off.

"I'M OUTTA HERE!!!!" Shaggy yelped as him and Scooby booked it out of the house, knocking the door down

"And stay out!" The hooded witch boomed, turning her attention to Velma, who was still searching around on the floor for her glasses

However, before the witch could really do anything to Velma, Fred and Daphne appeared, Daphne giving Velma her glasses and helping her back to her feet as Fred tackled the witch to the ground as Scooby and Shaggy came back.

"Daphne, grab the hood!" Velma shouts

"I'm on it!!!" Daphne responds, grabbing the witch's hood

"It's time to unmask the person behind this mystery." Fred comments

Daphne yanked the hood off of the witch, revealing the person in the cloak, and who it was surprised everyone, even Velma.

"It's you?????" Daphne questions

"What???" Fred and Velma both comment, equally as confused as Daphne

Scooby and Shaggy took a look.

"Like, it can't be!" Shaggy yelped

Scooby screamed a little, his eyes practically bulging out of his head.The person under the hood was......Ruby, her face covered completely in warts and just not actually looking too much like herself.

"Ruby??!??!?????" Daphne questioned

"Oh, you fools!!" Possessed Ruby comments. "I'm not Ruby!"

The possessed Ruby knocked Daphne and Velma to the side, causing them to knock over a couch and the impact knocked them out cold.

"Daphne!!!" Fred exclaimed

"Velma!!" Shaggy yelped

Fred got up and began circling as Possessed Ruby did the same thing.

"I don't wanna hurt you, Ruby." Fred comments

"Oh...but I DO want to hurt YOU, pretty boy!!" Possessed Ruby comments, giving Fred a kick

Fred stumbled back a little.

"Sorry about this, Ruby!" Fred comments, going to punch Ruby

However, the possessed Ruby had a huuuge strength boost and easily chucked Fred into a shelf, knocking him out as well, Scooby cowering behind Shaggy as the possessed Ruby turned her attention to the two.

That's when the possessed Ruby picked up the staff and slowly walks towards the two.

"Ruby, what's going on, why are you doing this??!?!???" Shaggy asks, coming to some sort of a conclusion in his head. "That cookie that was bought for you wasn't that far out of date, was it?"

"Why???? To make them pay. TO MAKE THEM ALL PAY!!!!" Possessed Ruby hissed before rubbing the staff gently. "Now that i've rebuilt my staff, no one can stop me!!"

That's when the Possessed Ruby cackled as Scooby and Shaggy held onto each other as a bright blue light field the place. The blue light filled the whole house before eventually fading after Scooby and Shaggy fell to the floor.

Ruby Rose in Scooby-Doo! Curse of The Lake MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now