Chapter 7

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The following day, at sun rise, they had been searching for nearly hours to find Ruby, but no luck and ended up at the beach.

"RUBY!!!!" Fred calls out

"RUBY!!!!!" Shaggy shouts, hoping for a response

"RUBY!!!!" Daphne and Velma called out

"RUBY, WHERE ARE YOU?!??!???" Shaggy shouts

They kept looking around and calling out Ruby's name, but to no avail.

Shaggy spotted Ruby's legs at a set of rocks, looking as if she was laying down.

"Guys, I found her!!!!" Shaggy comments as they ran over

Ruby was laying peacefully and practically motionless on the rocks.

"Oh no....she's-she's dead." Shaggy commented, all of them looking down. "She just looks so peaceful...."

Fred patted Shaggy's back. However, Ruby started moving.

"Uh....guys...?" Fred comments

Everyone looked over and sighed with relief as Shaggy and Daphne pulled Ruby to her feet.

"What's going on???" Ruby asks

"It's a miracle." Shaggy comments with relief

"What happened to you last night, Rubes?" Fred asks

"I don't know." Ruby comments. "I couldn't really sleep, so I decided to go for a walk here by the lake. Then this...fog roleld in...well, guess I got lost. Decided to sit down and wait until the fog lifted."

Everyone looked at each other as Ruby explained a couple things.

"I must've fallen asleep, I guess." Ruby comments, rubbing her neck a little

"Please....PLEASE don't ever do that again. You had us all worried sic0" Shaggy started before looking at one of Ruby's hands. "-what are those on your hands??"

Fred took a look at Ruby's right hand, seeing what looks like warts at various points on her hand.

"....they look like warts." Fred comments

"Warts?????" Ruby questioned before jumping a little when looking at her own hand. "Nonono, i'm sure it's just some kind of allergic reaction to the water. Yeah...i'm sure that's what it is."

Ruby covered her hands with her sleeves.

"Anyway, what's going on?" Ruby asks

"You missed another attack last night." Fred comments. "We'll go get you cleaned up and fill you in on what happened."

"Another attack???" Ruby comments

That's when they headed back for the Country Club in order to go get Ruby's hands cleaned up.

"Anyone else hungry?" Shaggy comments. "I know I am."

"Shocking." Fred says sarcastically

Back at the club, they got some food and cleaned Ruby's hands up a little.

" guys are thinking that thing is actually real and it's being used to dig up something buried on these grounds?" Ruby asks

"Yeah." Fred commented in response. "Problem is, we don't have a single clue as to who's using it."

"Actually, we do, Freddy." Velma says. "The mysterious figure that was commanding the Lake Monster had a streak of purple paint on it's cloak."

"So?? What's this have to do with this?" Fred asks

Ruby Rose in Scooby-Doo! Curse of The Lake MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now