Chapter 10

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"Ruby, what's going on, why are you doing this??!?!???" Shaggy asks, coming to some sort of a conclusion in his head. "That cookie that was bought for you wasn't that far out of date, was it?"

"Why???? To make them pay. TO MAKE THEM ALL PAY!!!!" Possessed Ruby hissed before rubbing the staff gently. "Now that i've rebuilt my staff, no one can stop me!!"

That's when the Possessed Ruby cackled as Scooby and Shaggy held onto each other as a bright blue light field the place. The blue light filled the whole house before eventually fading after Scooby and Shaggy fell to the floor.

As everyone slowly woke up, there was all sorts of smoke around the room, indicating the possessed Ruby had likely teleported via the staff's magic. Fred groaned a little nad popped is back while standing up.

"Well...there's another mystery solved, huh, gang?" Fred comments

Velma coughed as her and Daphne stood up, getting up not long after Scooby and Shaggy got up.

"What in the world is going on????" Velma questioned

"Why is Ruby doing this???" Daphne adds

Shaggy thought.

"That cookie......I think that it might have drove her a bit mad from how out of date it was." Shaggy comments

"Reah." Scooby agreed

"I'm sure there's something bigger than that going on, you two." Fred responds

"I'll say." Hilda comments as she came down the stairs, a hand on her head. "Your friend has been possessed by the spirit of the witch, Wanda Grubwort."

"Oh of my longest lasting friends and she's turned into an evil witch." Shaggy comments

Later, they were in the kitchen and Scooby was putting together an ice pack for Hilda. When he finished, he chuckled a little as he closed it.

"It was that staff." Hilda commented to Fred, Shaggy, Velma, and Daphne. "She must've found the pieces that have been buried for all these years."

Shaggy thought before sighing.

"By any chance, did moonstones play any part in this???" Shaggy asks in a way to make it obvious to Hilda when Ruby started acting a bit odd

Hilda nodded and explains, "As soon as your friend touched one of those rocks, the spirit of my evil ancestor took a hold of her and compelled her to find the rest."

Scooby hands the finished ice pack to Hilda and says, "RFor you, ma'am."

Hilda took the ice pack and put it on her head.

"'s been Ruby the entire time??" Daphne comments

"Zoinks. It was RIGHT under our noses." Shaggy comments, recounting back to when him, Velma, and Ruby found the first moonstone on the beach by Lake Erie. "The evil spirit must've first taken a hold of her when we found that one by the lake."

"And...and those creepy warts." Velma says. "It was like she was actually turning into a witch."

"And I guess being burned at the steak would scare me at the mere sight of fire as well." Shaggy commented

Fred them remembered something. WHen the security computer got shorted out by Velma's tea.


Ruby gently and carefully nudged the computer chair Velma was sitting in whilst the camera was coming into focus and it ended up causing Velma to spill her tea, causing the computer to spark and short circuit.


"And I bet she caused Velma's tea to end up shorting out the security console cause she KNEW we'd see her face." Fred stated

Shaggy sighed.

"I can't believe we missed it." Shaggy comments

"I guess we were too wrapped up in our own small tiny dramas to catch the real big one that was going on." Daphne commented before looking at Hilda. " that she has her powers back, what's Wanda Grubwort going to do?"

"I fear that what she seeks is the revenge that has eluded her all these years." Hilda answered

Shaggy stood up.

"Who cares about what she wants, we gotta save Ruby!!" Shaggy commented before looking at Hilda. "Do you have any idea where she would have gone?"

"Probably to the caves where she lived." Hilda responded

"The caves??? What about the variegated sedimentary striations??" Shaggy comments

Fred rose an eyebrow, a bit shocked that Shaggy could properly say such a scientific piece of terminology.

"The what??" Fred asks, wanting some clarification

"He's talking about the entrances to the caves." Velma responded. "They're all underwater."

"Yeah." Shaggy confirms. "How would we get in?"

"Well, you kids are in luck. I rent scuba-gear." Hilda said. "I'll give you a good deal, too."

Ruby Rose in Scooby-Doo! Curse of The Lake MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now