Chapter 5

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The next day back at the Country Club, Shaggy was writing things down on a note for potential names, saying them to himself in his head.

"Like that angels are singing it." Shaggy comments to himself

That's when Daphne walked over and says, "Hey, Shagg. What you doing?"

Shaggy jumped a little and quickly said, "Nothing!"

Shaggy proceeded to stuff the napkin into his mouth and actually ate it before clearing his throat a little.

"The doctor said I needed more linen in my diet." Shaggy comments, coughing a little

"Oookay." Daphne responds. "Have you seen Fred?"

"Oh, he's out on the green-" Shaggys tarts, washing the napkin down with a cup of water. "-putting with some girls."

Daphne walked over and took a look.

"So just remember to follow through." Fred instructs

After he was done with what he was doing, he walked up to the porch as Shaggy had finished washing down what he had just eaten just as Ruby got there.

"Hey, Daph." Fred comments before looking at Shaggy. "What's up, Shaggs?"

"Hey, Fred." Shaggy responds

Fred looked over at Daphne and noticed the glance he was getting and asks, "What?"

Shaggy stood up carefully.

"Hey, um, can I ask your advice about something?" Shaggy asks

The two looked at each other and Daphne responds, "Sure."

"Well, I have this friend of mine over in Vacuo who I was on the scroll with before trying to find a way to get more linen in my diet and his name is uh...Scruffy, yeah, Scruffy." Shaggy comments. "He's called that cause of the fact he has a scruffy hairdo and goatee-"

Shaggy turned around and quickly mutters, :No, that would be way too obvious!"

Shaggy then turned back to the others.

"So anyways, this friend of mine who, now that I remember, doesn't have a goatee, OR A DOG, he's got a cat." Shaggy comments. "He has this crush on a girl that SOMETIMMMES solves mysteries or Grimm attacks with-"

Shaggy quickly turned tot he side and mutters, "No, that's a DEAD giveaway."

Shaggy then turned back and cleared his throat.

"So, let me just start over." Shaggy comments. "So, this-"

"Shaggy, Shaggy, we know you like Velma." Fred comments

"Ooh, what are you talking about???" Shaggy comments, trying to throw things off the trail even though they saw right through him. "I defiently do not, under any circumstances, have ANY SORT of a crush on Velma!"

Ruby chuckled a little. That's when Velma walked over just after sneezing a little.

"You guys are not gonna believe what I found in the security footage." Velma says. "Come on!"

Everyone followed Velma to the security cam office and watched as she pulls up some footage.

"After you watch this, I think you'll all be saying 'jinkies'." Velma comments, taking a sip of her

At first, it showed that the security camera had managed to catch the attack.

"Hey, the security camera managed to catch the attack." Daphne says

"Yep. And the other cameras caught something else, too." Velma comments

The footage Velma pulled up at the hit of a button showed footage of a hooded woman with some sort of a staff and the Lake Monster, the REAL Lake Monster.

The footage Velma pulled up at the hit of a button showed footage of a hooded woman with some sort of a staff and the Lake Monster, the REAL Lake Monster

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"Looks like we've got two pranksters on our hands." Velma comments

"Jinkies...." Ruby, Fred, Shaggy, and Daphne all comment

Velma chuckled and said, "Told you."

"FREEZE IT!" Fred orders, Velma doing so. "If you zoom in on this frame, we can see who's inside that cloak."

The camera then zoomed in, but it was waayyyy out of focus. That's when it slowly started to come into focus.

"Hey, it's coming into focus." Shaggy comments

However, just as it was about to fully come into focus...the computer shut down and exploded with some sparks and shot out smoke.

"What just happened?" Fred questions

"Like, that spooky figure must be using some sort of magic to prevent us from seeing it's face." Shaggy comments

Velma sighed and said, "I'm afraid the explanation is a lot less supernatural than that, Shaggy."

Velma stood up and showed her tea had ended up getting spilt.

"I accidentally knocked over my cup of green tea and short circuited the hard drive." Velma explained

"Oh, that's okay, Velma." Daphne says, patting Velma's shoulder. "I'm sure we'll find another piece of critical evidence. Right, guys?"

Everyone nodded.

"I know. This is highly uncharacteristic behavior, this flu is really setting me a bit off course. I'm really sorry, guys." Velma comments, heading for the door. "I will turn in my resignation from the group if you wish...."

Everyone was shocked as Velma walked off. everyone following her.

"hey, V, don't beat yourself up about this!" Shaggy comments, walking over to Velma. "Your flu just ended up making you pull a 'Shaggy', that's all. I do it all the time."

"Thanks, Shaggy. But there's really no excuse." Velma says. "Hopefully reading a little Sylvia Plath will lighten my spirits."

Velma walked off, Shaggy just standing there.

"But I still think you're wonderful...." Shaggy comments

Fred and Daphne walked over.

"Shaggy, that was so nice." Daphne comments. "That's exactly how you should be if you're really serious about wanting to get with Velma."

Shaggy sighed.

"But what am I gonna do?" Shaggy asks. "I don't know what i'm supposed to say to her."

Fred put a hand on Shaggy's shoulder.

"Let me try to help you out there, Shaggs." Fred says. "For one, you gotta be confident. You gotta be yourself. But most of all, you have to be genuine."

Shaggy looked at Fred before sighing.

"I'll just try to figure things out for myself." Shaggy comments. "If I ever do get Velma to like me, I really do want it to be real and come from my heart. Thanks for what you have told me, Fred."

"Any time, Shaggy." Fred responds as Shaggy walked off

Ruby Rose in Scooby-Doo! Curse of The Lake MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now