Steals Her Brother's Hat

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Ellysa: *steals her brother's hat* I shall be the sweg lord *puts it on backwards*

Bro: you can keep it, because it's red and the leader of the Blue Clan can't be seen owning something red.

Ellysa: But the Red King can *walks of wearing the hat*

-Time Skip to five minutes later-

Ellysa: *takes off hat*

Hat: *has my brother's name written in blue on the inside*

Ellysa: -_-

Ellysa: that idiot.

Ellysa: the hat doesn't even have that much red on it...

Ellysa: BAKA!!!!

Bro: Whet??????

Ellysa: *Maka chops him*



Hehehehehehehehehe... I Maka chopped someone in the head the other day.

It was funny.

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