Volume 1: Chapter #1: My name is Ruby Rose

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"You need to break out of your shell, Ruby. It's just a quick trip to the dust store, Ruby. Yang can take you there, Ruby. AND THEN SHE DITCHED ME!" What you hear now, is a fifteen-year-old girl, having an anxiety attack. 

'Who is this Yang?' I hear you ask, and where did she go? Well...

In another part of town a blonde girl wearing a brown jacket and a yellow shirt entered a club and made her way straight to the bar.

"What will it be, blondie?"

"Suck, Bang and Blow."

Back at the dust store it is!

Ruby Rose, because that is her name, is bouncing on her toes, trying to deal with the stress. Dressed in a red sweatshirt, black skirt and thigh high socks. Just before stepping out from between the shelves and to the cashier, she checks one more time if she got everything that was needed. "Fire dust, ice , electric, wind-"

"Good evening, good gentleman! You wouldn't happen to know where I could get some dust, would you?" Ruby panicked hearing that voice. She crouched and moved to the end of the isle to get a better look at the situation.

The man talking was dressed in black and white, had a cane, a grey scarf and a bowler hat with a small feather tucked in its red band. Bangs of ginger hair falling from beneath the hat over his face. There was no mistaking it, the man is Roman Torchwick.

Roman theatrically looked around the shelves, with Ruby managing to hide before he could spot her. "Silly me. Well, if you don't mind bringing a few of my friends in. Boys!" He snapped his fingers and three more men entered the store.

The girl stuck her head out once more to confirm her suspicions. The three men who she heard entering now started filling out some containers with dust and putting them in briefcases, while Roman was talking to the shopkeeper. She saw the criminal pull a cigar out of his pocket and pick up fire dust crystal which he used to light it and put back the stone.

She heard one of the thugs approaching her isle from the other side. Thinking fast she threw a Wind crystal on the floor and once the man bent down to pick it up, she threw a Fire crystal as well, creating an explosion that knocked the grunt into the wall. A chain reaction followed, making more explosions and destroying most of the store's interior.

Ruby couldn't hear anything over the ringing in her ears, but she could see underneath the smoke that all of the grunts were laying on the ground unconscious. The girl tried to get up, but was met with a kick to her stomach that sent her rolling over the floor.

Roman grabbed her by the collar and started screaming. The girl still couldn't hear a thing, but it was obvious enough how furious the criminal was. She hit Roman's pocket with another fire stone, setting off yet another explosion that knocked the mobster back and set her free of his grasp.

She felt a rush of adrenaline finally giving her a boost just in time to see Roman grab the last remaining briefcase and run out of the store. Without giving it any thought, Ruby rushed after speeding herself up with her semblance and tackling him into the ground, the momentum sending her flying further. On the plus side, the ringing in her ears finally stopped, allowing her to assess the situation better.

"Ugh, just what I needed for my evening." Groaned Roman in frustration as he got up. "Some brat playing a hero."

The criminal grabbed his cane in one hand and briefcase in the other. He aimed the ferrule at Ruby and pressed a button on the handle. A bullet shot out and hit the pavement in front of her, sending pieces of concrete her way.

The girl shrugged off the attack and charged again, but was knocked down with the briefcase. Both of them heard the sound of police sirens approaching and Roman let out another frustrated groan. "Well, it was charming meeting you little red, but how about you bring less fire on our second date?"

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