Volume 1 Chapter 8: Leadership

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Yang sat down, breathing heavily, shortly followed by Ruby laying on the grass next to her.

The older sister drank some water and laid down as well, put her hands behind her head and looked into the sky. "Say, Rubes, are you going to fight in the tournament?"

"You're saying that as if it was easy to even qualify."

"Come on! You'll do fine."

"I'll try." Ruby groaned. "It's just... You're good, like, really good. There's Pyrrha who's undefeated, Nora is just scary with how strong she is, and Weiss is probably super good as well - and that's just Beacon! There's no way other schools are far behind!"

Yang smirked, her eyes drifting to a nearby line of trees, a black bird sitting on one of the branches - a raven or a crow. "I can take them."

"Of course you'd say that."

For a moment, the girls just laid there. Listening to the chirping birds, the voices of all the different students speaking and the water flowing in the fountain. The bird Yang was looking at, took off from the branch and disappeared behind the tree line. "Do you think I'll make a good leader?"

The blonde let out a hum in confusion, and it was clear for Ruby. "I can't help thinking this was a mistake. Some error that picked me instead of you."

"Don't say that Rubes!"

"But it's true! I'm younger than everyone here! I'm weaker and I barely keep up with classes! And I can't even get either Bonnie or Weiss to spend time with us and-" She put hands over her face as she spoke and let out a frustrated groan.

Yang rolled on top of her sister, straddled her stomach and pulled her arms apart. "Look at me. It's completely normal you're not a good leader yet. The school only started a few days ago. That's why we're here, to get better. And screw Bonnie and little miss snob. You've got me, and I'll always have your back."

Yang let go of her sister's arms and watched as Ruby wiped tears from her eyes. The older sister stood up and offered to help her sibling up. "Come on. I want to do a few more rounds before we go back."


Blake moved around the store without even looking. Her vision was obscured by the pile of books in her hands, but she knew the place like the back of her own hand. Turn left, five paces straight, and put the books down on the counter. She picked the five books from the top and moved to the "detective" section.

She took her time, putting all the books on their proper places, occasionally stopping to serve a client, but most of the day was rather uneventful. At dusk, a tall man with black hair and yellow eyes, just like Blake's own entered the store. "Thanks for taking care of the business, kid. You're still wearing that thing?" He pointed to the bow on her head.

Unsure of how to respond, Blake simply nodded. "Babygirl, you're not ten anymore, that bow attracts too much attention to your head. Have you tried wearing hats?"

"Everything sounds muffled when I wear hats." She rested her chin on a knee. "It would just fall off in a fight anyway."

"That's true, but in exchange you don't stand out from the crowd as much as you do now."

"It's easy for you say that. You can just retract your claws and you look normal."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. Your dad sent out the information about his missing daughter all the way to Vale and Vacuo." Tukson sat on the chair in front of the counter.

"I... Don't want to talk about it, please."

With a sigh, Tukson looked around his store, clearly pleased with how his niece took care of it. "Have you picked some books you wanted?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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