Volume 1 Chapter #2: Breaking the shell

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Ruby was playing with her fingers while in a car driven by her and Yang's dad, Tai. There was an awkward silence save for the radio playing music. Ruby looked to the side at her sister. She was looking out the window, propping her head on her arm.

The song in the radio finished playing, and a news report came instead. "Last night yet another robbery of a Dust Store took place. The perpetrator is currently unknown, but it's suspected that it was doing of Roman Torchwick. The criminal has been on the run from the police for six months, all the while robbing different dust store across the city of Dale. The closest the officers came to arresting him was two months ago, when Huntress and Beacon Academy's Headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch, engaged in a fight with him, however, he managed to escape after burning down-"

Tai switched off the radio and looked back at Ruby. "Don't think about it too much. You did everything you could." The only reaction he got was the girl's sigh. "Honestly, I think if Yang was there with you, Torchwick would be rotting in prison by now. Isn't that right, Yang?"

"Yeah, sure." She said, lost in thought.

"And she won't leave you to fend for yourself again, correct?"

"Yes, of course."

Tai gave an audible sigh. The car stopped and Ruby saw an airship in front of them. The whole family got out and started making their way towards it, until Tai stopped them.

He went down on a knee to have a better eye contact with Ruby. "Look, I know you get shy around new people and the first few weeks will probably be a nightmare. Just remember who you are and what you're good at. I know you'll do fine, but don't hesitate to ask your sister for help." The pep talk seemed to work as Ruby gave him a nod with a wide smile. They hugged and Ruby run into the airship.

Then the father turned to Yang and opened his mouth to speak, but she was faster. "Don't worry. I got this, I'll take care of her. Just don't forget our deal, okay?" 

She put on her sunglasses and extended her fist, which Tai bumped with his own. "Never."

Tai waited at the landing spot until the airship went up and away, waving to his girls.

As soon as the airship went up, a hologram appeared and the recording of Glynda Goodwitch went off. "Hello, students of Beacon. I trust that your vacations were spent well, and your skills and minds remain sharp. To the possible future students, I'd like to welcome you all to Beacon Academy, a place where you will learn how to help people in crisis situations. To become heroes, so to speak. I hope you will come to the academy open-minded, and don't leave empty-handed."

"She could give better speeches." Yang commented before looking back at her sister, who was rocking on the ground in a fetal position. The older sister rolled her eyes before picking her up.

"Come on, Rubes. People will think you're weird." She exclaimed while dusting off her sister.

"I don't care what they think." Ruby crossed her arms over her chest and held her chin high.

"Then how are you going to make any friends?" The younger girl's head fell a bit on that.

"I don't need new friends. I have you, and dad and Zwei..."

"You're going to spend the next four years talking to just me?"

"Yang Xiao Long, are you saying you don't want to spend time with me?!" Ruby said in accusatory tone while pointing her finger at her sister's chest.

Yang rubbed her neck and spoke, her voice growing higher pitch with each word. "You know it's not like that. I just think that you should... break out of your shell."

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