Volume 1 Chapter #3: The Princess

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Ruby has been wandering around the Beacon grounds for a while looking for a quiet place to sit at and calm down. So far, everywhere she looked, there were people. She started picking up the pace, a slow jog turned into a full sprint and when a girl appeared in front of her she was unable to stop. Crash.

Briefcases that were dragged after the girl by some men in suits started flying. One of them opened and containers with red dust fell out. The girl Ruby crashed into managed to catch one of the containers before it hit the ground. The girl quickly stood up, with some dirt staining her clothes.

"You absolute dolt! Do you have any idea how much damage you could have cost?!" She immediately started scolding the girl on the ground

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"You absolute dolt! Do you have any idea how much damage you could have cost?!" She immediately started scolding the girl on the ground.

In the meantime, one of the men carrying the bags stepped on one of the containers, which rolled from beneath his foot and made him slip and fall. His briefcase opened midair and another fire dust container fell out and crashed on the ground, sending glass and dust everywhere.

Some of it ended up flying in Ruby's face, causing her to sneeze and setting off a chain reaction of fire dust exploding.

Both girls and the surrounding men got covered in ash.

"I'm surrounded by idiots!" The strange girl screamed.

Ruby coughed a few times to clear her throat and responded in a weak voice. "Calm down. It was an-"

"Calm down? Calm down?! Do you have any idea who you're talking to?!"

Ruby was baffled. She had no clue who the girl was or why she had such a big ego. She wanted to respond, tell her that it doesn't matter who she is, and probably throw an insult in all that.

Unfortunately, she was cut off by yet another girl appearing. This one dressed in black and white, with a bow tied on top of her head. "Weiss Schnee. Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, the biggest dust potent in the world."

"That's right!" Weiss responded with obvious pride in her voice

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"That's right!" Weiss responded with obvious pride in her voice.

The new girl smiled at that. "The same company that was investigated over twenty times in the last 5 years about racist and unfair treatment of their employees."

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