Chapter #4: The Players and the Pieces

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"I still can't believe the two of you got lost so easily." Yang complained as the three teens passed through the doors of the auditorium.

"Hey!" Protested Jaune, "it's not my fault your sister's a bomb!"

Yang raised one of her eyebrows and turned to Ruby with a smirk. "A bomb, huh?"

The younger girl just groaned before whimpering out a response. "He means it literally."


"I bumped into this girl earlierandshehadalotofsuitcasesandoneofthemwasfilledwithdustand-"



"Half speed please."

Ruby breathed in. "Back on Atlas landing pod, I bumped into this girl. Dust fell out of her suitcase and I sneezed and it exploded."

"Oh... What's up with you and dust explosions?"

"I know, right?!"

At that moment, someone cleared their throat into a microphone. Echoing sound getting attention instantly. Everyone turned to the big stage where Glynda Goodwitch, Beacon's Headmistress, stood.

"A quick announcement to the recruits and future students of our Academy. Because of a bad sandstorm in Vacuo, the recruits from there will arrive much later. In this situation, we are forced to postpone the initiation trial until tomorrow morning. We are aware that most of you travelled a long way to get here, so we're offering you to stay the night either in dormitories or here in the ballroom, which will be prepared with mattresses by the evening. That's all, dismissed."

Glynda stepped off the podium and entered the hallway.

"Oh! We're gonna have a sleepover!" Yang proclaimed while hugging Ruby to her chest. "We'll meet some new friends maybe some guys, oh yeah, what's up with you and Vomit Boy?"

In the meantime, Glynda made her way to the elevator and entered a combination of numbers on the pad, which led her to a normally unavailable level at the top of the academy's clocktower.

There sat Ozpin, in front of a number of screens displaying a bunch of chess figures.

A light blue King, purple Rook, a gray Knight, and a dark red Bishop which seemed blurred, as if someone didn't pick up the call.

The gray Knight was now enlarged, meaning that person was speaking. "-but without contact from Bishop, finding Summer is only getting harder. Right now, I'm forced to send hunting squads to find him!"

"I understand your frustration. Calm down, my friend. There's no need to rush into this. The situation is currently under control. Fall is stable at Beacon, we're just looking for a suitable successor."

Glynda whispered into Ozpin's ear.

"And it looks like she might have just arrived today."

Ozpin turned his head to the screen with light blue King. "How's Winter?"

"Her condition is getting worse, thought at that age it's only natural. Even with all our advances, we can't keep her alive forever. Five years at most, and even that is not certain."

"Your successor is ready?"

"She's getting there, but still has a lot to learn."

"Will she be ready in those five years?"

There was a slight pause. "Yes, I'm confident."

"Good." Said the old man before turning to the purple Rook. "How is it on your end?"

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