Volume 1 Chapter 7: Thunderstruck

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Yang pulled on her right glove, making sure it was comfortable on her hand. Quick look over herself - the shoelaces are tied, the shorts as well and her sports bra was secure in place, no clothing malfunction in sight. She tapped the pocket in her shorts, feeling her necklace secure within it.

She looked up at her opponent.

Nora was wearing pink sports shoes, white knee-high socks, a pink skirt ending above her knees, and a white tank top. Her black, fingerless gloves were holding an enormous warhammer, resting its weight on her shoulders.

"Ain't that too big for you?" She teased, to which Nora smirked and combed her hair back with her hand.

"Don't worry, I'm a big girl." The ginger flexed her bicep.

Both girls had an incredible physique, but where Yang decided to shred more of her weight and gain speed, Nora decided to bulk up and take more raw strength instead. If the two were to arm wrestle, the JNPR representative would come out on top.

"Ladies! You will fight on the rules of the Vytal Tournament's first round. First to drop the opponent to below fifteen percent aura level or push them out of the arena wins. Five minutes limit, in which case whoever has the higher aura level wins."

Xiao Long, Yang - Vale - 100%

Valkyrie, Nora - Mistral - 100%



Yang punched the air, making her golden bracelets expand and turn into gauntlets.


The blonde bombshell put her guard up, already setting her feet for a dash.


The brawler immediately launched forward, swinging one of her arms back and firing a round to boost herself in the air.

Nora grabbed her hammer with both hands, and as soon as Yang got in range, she swung.

With a crack, the blonde was sent flying backwards as the class erupted in 'oohs'.

Weiss turned her head away, not able to watch the violence at hand. A few rows away, she noticed Ruby jumping from her seat, pumping a fist in the air. "Go Yang! Kick her butt!"

Yang got back up to her feet. Nora was much faster than she expected. If she wants to win, she can't let her focus falter.

At that moment, a shadow appeared above her. Without looking up, she rolled forward and narrowly avoided another hit with the Mistrali girl's hammer.

Quick, before Nora could get her hammer back up, Yang charged at her and kicked her side. The ginger swung with a back fist while trying to lift her weapon with the other hand, but Yang ducked under the punch and slid between her opponent and the weapon, hitting her with a quick combination. Jab, jab, gut punch, uppercut.

Nora stumbled back and rubbed her chin, still smiling.

With the corner of her eye, Yang looked at the screen.

Xiao Long, Yang - Vale - 78%

Valkyrie, Nora - Mistral - 93%


'Still ninety-three? What kind of monster am I fighting?' Yang breathed in and out, slowing her heart rate. She started hopping from one foot to another, before signaling for her opponent to attack.

"Woo!" Ruby threw both of her hands up in the cheer.

"Why are you so happy?" the girl heard a familiar voice.

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