Volume 1 Chapter 6: Welcome to Beacon!

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The alarm clock went off at 6 in the morning. Ruby's hand immediately turned it off to not wake the others.

She's planned a number of conversations and even a schedule to get some team practice in and was excited to bond with her new teammates - more so Bonnie than Weiss but who says they can't just have a fresh start?

The girl got up to her feet, but the sight in front of her immediately put the mood down.

All the beds were empty. Even Yang's.

With a deep sigh, the girl decided to just get ready for the first day of school. She showered, got dressed in the uniform and was right now preparing a bowl of cereal.

As she poured the milk into the bowl, the door opened and in stepped Yang in her sports bra and shorts.

"Morning Rubes." She said while getting her towel.

"Where have you been?"

"You know I jog in the morning. How did the first team meeting go?"

"Bonnie and Weiss were gone when I woke up." Ruby slumped in her seat. "It was a stupid idea anyway. I'll just go talk to Miss Goodwitch, there must have been some mistake when deciding the leader."

"Don't say that!" Yang put her hand on Ruby's shoulder and picked the schedule she prepared with the other. "I believe in you, you've got a knack for making friends. Like that Jaune guy!"

Seeing as it didn't cheer her sister up, Yang added, "Okay, how about we get through today's classes and in the evening we'll bake a batch of Summer Rose approved cookies?!"

Ruby's head snapped upwards. "You're right! This can work!" She went to hug her sister, who opted to stop her.

"I'm sweaty! Yuck." Yang instead ruffled her hair. "Let me shower, and we'll go to class together. What do we have first?"

"Grimm anatomy with professor Port."

"Okay, give me fifteen."

After showering, Yang packed her lunch in a box and got dressed in the uniform, adding a little accessory of her fingerless gloves, and the girls were off.

They arrived in the class before the bell rung. It was a big, semi oval room with four rows of seats circling the blackboard and the teacher's desk. JNPR were already there in the second row, and right behind them sat Bonnie, picking the seat closest to the corridor. The sister approached her and took their seats, Ruby next to Yang, and Yang next to Bonnie.

"Hi there, partner." Greeted the blonde, but received no response. Bonnie, currently consumed by the book she was reading.

"You're an early bird, huh?" She tried again. Nothing.

"Must be a really good book. What's it about?" This got an answer, although non-verbal. Bonnie picked up the book and showed Yang the cover. 'On the fence.'

"Weren't you reading another book yesterday?" Chimed in Ruby.

Bonnie nodded, prompting another question. "You've finished reading that already?! When did you get this one?"

Bonnie sighed. "My uncle owns a book store in the town. He gave a box full of fiction to read through when I left for Beacon."

"That's nice. Do you think I could borrow some?"

"As long as you give them back in good condition, I don't mind."

At that moment the bell rung, ending the conversation and making everyone turn forward to the blackboard.

Professor Port, dressed in a white dress shirt with a red tie, black dress pants and a red jacket. His shoes, although obscured by the desk, Ruby guessed were also red, has just finished drawing a number of creatures of Grimm on the board.

"Welcome, my dear students, to what I imagine is your first class at Beacon. As you can imagine, these are your essential classes on dealing with Grimm."

The door to the class opened and in walked Weiss, beelining her way to the teacher and handing him a slip of paper before sitting in the first row.

"Welcome to Beacon, Miss Schnee."

"Thank you!"

"Now, perhaps a good first test of your knowledge." He spoke to the whole class. "What can you tell me about Grimm?"

Weiss raised her hand immediately. "Yes, Miss Schnee?"

"Grimm are beasts that feed off of people's negative emotions. As opposed to normal animals, they don't reproduce, and it is not entirely clear how they originate."

"That's correct. Anything else?"

"Oh! Grimm adapt to their conditions of living!"

"Very good, Miss Rose." Commented the teacher, which earned Ruby a glare from her supposed partner. "As opposed to common belief, Grimm aren't mindless beasts. For proof, look no further than the fact that young Grimm are completely dark, but as they age they grow armor made of bone tissue which, as you can probably guess, is much stronger than a human bone."

"Now, let me tell you about something that most civilians don't know about. The Hunter Society places Grimm in levels of how threatening they are. Beowolves, the most common Grimm, are an F level threat, the lowest level. The bear resembling Ursai are at the E level. Deathstalker, which a group of you encountered during initiation, is the D level. Higher than most Hunters out in the world can handle by themselves. Congratulations to you for overcoming this challenge."

At the moment Ruby and Yang looked over at team JNPR, only to find them gazing back at them and waving. Nora flexed her muscles, clearly proud of cracking Deathstalker's armor. Yang hit Ruby's arm with a light punch and pulled her into a hug.


Next up were the classes in biology with Thumbelina Peach, where the students would learn herbology and anatomy. The last classes of the day were with the headmistress herself.

The room was much bigger than for the other classes. 12 rows of seats, but no desks. In the place where normally would be a blackboard and teacher's desk, there was a pit filled with sand.

"As you can already see, these aren't your typical classes. Many Hunters, in the face of danger coming from Grimm, decide to go rogue and start raiding and killing settlements instead of doing their job. Since it is possible that you will face such danger, Beacon, Mantle, Shade and Haven all hold human combat classes." Glynda explained. "They also serve another purpose."

On a screen above the arena, all names of the students were listed, along with which team they belong to and their country of origin. Surprisingly, though, there were names from other schools as well. One in particular made Pyrrha's gaze turn to a glare.

Arslan Atlan, of Haven Academy. Vacuo.

"Through these classes, we will determine thirty-two best combatants, who will participate in Vytal Festival's tournament." Yang smirked, slightly narrowing her eyes. Already excited about the challenge ahead. "As you all know, the tournament has a cash prize of hundred thousand credits, and the winner will take Bernard Arc's trophy. Of course, that will also increase the likelihood of you receiving contracts named specifically for you. If you don't want to participate, you will not be forced to, but I encourage you to do it for your own safety, and consider the tournament itself a reward. Let me know if you want to participate before next week's class, and in the meantime, may I ask for any volunteers?"

Yang's hand was in the air before Ms.Goodwitch even finished speaking.

"Looks like we have our first volunteer. What's your name, dear?"

"Yang Xiao Long, team RWBY." The blonde said as she got up from her seat.

"I hope I'll be able to keep your enthusiasm up for the rest of the year." The headmistress tapped on her scroll, and Yang's picture appeared above the arena.

Xiao Long, Yang - Vale - 100%

"Now, then, who would like to challenge Miss Xiao Long?"

Another hand shot up, one belonging to a certain redhead.

"What's your name, Miss?"

"Nora Valkyrie of team JNPR!"

"Wonderful. The two of you go and change. Then come back, so we can start the match."

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