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I could feel myself drowning

I stretched and called for help but no one saw.
I was too far under

But when you came out,
On  your boat built of love,
You saw.

You gave me the line to grasp onto,
and you pulled me up

You helped me breathe again,
Helped me see again,
Helped me feel again

And I thanked you.

But when your hands got wet from the water on the rope,
You struggled to keep me afloat

I could feel the rope slipping,
I could feel your strength waning.

I tried to hold onto you,
Tried to make you my anchor
But the more I held onto you the wetter you became.

I felt myself sinking again
Sinking faster and faster the more I struggled against it

Your love had saved me but you hadn't prepared to keep me safe.

So here I lie
Once again
In the dark dark ocean



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