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A/N This story is for @LittleChillax @Xx_Escapism_xX and @Sad-Bullied-Kid who, together, created the foundation for this story in their comments on another of my stories. With their permission, I have turned it into a one shot.

Draco had, as usual, dominated most of the journey back to Hogwarts on the train talking about Potter in one way or another. He was, also as usual, entirely oblivious to how his other Slytherin year mates kept catching eyes or barely covered their knowing smirks. But, for them, things had not changed over the last seven years and now it appeared that their 'Year Eight' was going to be no different.

Finally, he'd gone off to find the Trolley Witch, which no doubt meant searching for Potter to 'taunt' him about something highly important, like his messy raven hair, or his ugly glasses, or his stupid scar, or his terrible Quidditch skills, or running away from the Dark Lord for nine months... All of which, they knew, translated into meaning Draco was obsessed with Potter's just-shagged messy bed-hair and the way his emerald-green eyes shone behind his glasses, and he was intrigued by Potter's scar, and envious of his Quidditch skills, and simply very pleased and slightly in awe that Potter had managed to avoid capture and defeat Voldemort despite the terrible odds against him.

'He really is the worst at flirting,' muttered Millicent. 'Even Greg's more aware than him.'

'Thanks, I think,' said Greg quietly but Milli gave him one of her smiles and his eyes softened.

'You'll be alright,' she said, taking his hand and giving at a gentle squeeze.

'It's just weird,' he said, 'being here without Vince.'

They sat in silence for a while, for although Vince hadn't been the nicest or brightest of boys, he was still one of them and had died in a terrible way.

'Dray's going to be worse than ever this year,' Pansy said suddenly.

'It can't be worse than last year,' said Blaise. 'He spent the whole time worrying about Potter, in his "I bet he's not eating enough, ha-ha-ha..." way of his or "he's bound to be caught by the Snatchers any day" fake sneering.'

'I wish he'd just admit it,' said Greg quietly. 'It might have changed things for him.'

They all knew that meant for Greg too. Poor Greg had been pulled into things because it was expected of him. With Vince it was different, Vince wanted it; he wanted the violence and the terror and the Dark Magic that the Dark Lord advocated. But for Greg, like Draco, it was really Pureblood heritage and circumstance which were to blame.

'We need to do something about Dray,' said Daphne. 'If we could just get him to be truthful with himself, it can't be healthy...'

'He'll never admit it,' sighed Pansy wistfully.

'And what about Potter?' said Milli. 'We don't know if he reciprocates Dray's feelings.'

Greg snorted, 'they're both as bad as each other, I can tell you.'

'You got the real brunt of it for the past seven years, more than the rest of us,' said Theo, sympathetically.

'Isn't he going out with the Weasley girl?' said Daphne.

'Nah, they split up again. Potter can't seem to hang on to a woman for more than a few days,' scorned Blaise.

'Bit of a case of the pot calling the kettle black, Blaise,' mocked Pansy.

The others laughed, mostly because Blaise's track record in long-term relationships was shorter than a Bowtruckle's penis.

'How do you know they split up?' said Milli.

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