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A/N This story is essentially a 2nd epilogue for one of my longer stories called 'Manor'. It was a request from @i_was_bored_why_not who wanted some Weasley reactions to Harry and Draco getting engaged on Christmas morning (totally out of season). I have tried to make this a standalone one shot too but a quick summary: 'The Manor' is about Harry establishing himself as a Cursebreaker and House Restorer after the war with Luna as his business partner. Eight years after the war, the deeds for the derelict Malfoy Manor end up on his table because the Ministry are having problems selling it on. Harry buys the manor, finds out he has a very blond and pointy squatter. Draco behaves very oddly but they gradually begin to talk and feelings develop (it is a Drarry story). Harry restores the Manor, dividing it into luxury apartments, all of which he sells apart from the 'Long Gallery Apartment', which was Draco's favourite room in his former family home. Lucius (banished to France) refuses to accept that Harry owns Malfoy Manor. The Long Gallery is an actual room on the top floor of Hardwick Hall (location of Malfoy Manor in the films) – it stretches from one end of the Manor to the other, hence the name (pictured above).

Warning: sweary Harry (including his stream of consciousness).


Harry twisted the champagne bottle away from the cork with a quiet pop and carefully poured four glasses. The tray was ready prepared with fifteen champagne flutes and waiting on the kitchen counter for various Weasleys, Luna and Theo and Xenophileas, Minnie, Andy, and Teddy to arrive. He wandered leisurely along the long open-plan apartment to the formal lounge area, holding two glasses for Ron and Hermione.

'I'll take those, darling,' said Draco, louder than he would normally and with a lot more of an animated flourish than Harry had seen over the past year.

'Of course, dear,' he said with a slightly sarcastic intonation but he smiled fondly, knowing exactly what Draco was bloody-well up to.

He watched, amused, noticing that even in the short span of time since Harry had proposed, Draco's confidence had gone up yet another notch. He remembered wondering, less than six months previously, what had happened to the sassy Draco of their third year; the outrageous Draco who used to step into Harry's personal space and was all cocky and in his face and yes, bloody flirty too. It made him smile that he was seeing that side of Draco again now. The broken and insecure Draco had confused and saddened him, although Harry still felt protective but maybe that was allowed; Draco was going to be his husband after all... from this day forward, to love and to cherish, for better, for worse ... and all that bollocks.

'Ronald,' Draco said in a carefree manner, offering him a glass first because Ron was closer.

Harry thought that Draco had probably manufactured that situation by walking around the sofa towards Ron first. Harry tried to cover his smile at the whole damned palaver, especially as Draco held the champagne flute between his forefinger and thumb of his left hand with his little finger sticking out so his hand had an exaggerated twist and so his new ring flashed in the morning sun that streamed through the huge windows of the newly renovated Long Gallery apartment.

Unfortunately for Draco, Ron was carrying both Rose and a new baby walker that was obviously a new Christmas present and he turned away, keen to relieve himself of his burdens. 'Cheers, mate, just shove it on the table, I'll grab it in a sec once I've sorted Rose out.'

'Of course,' Draco said, oozing charm.

Surely, thought Harry, he couldn't have expected Ron to notice this soon anyway.

Harry could sense Draco rallying against the disappointment just from the set of his shoulders.

'Smells bloody gorgeous, mate,' said Ron, giving up with Rose and lifting her out again. She was holding out her arms for Draco.

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