'Harry Potter is Dead!'

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A/N: DON'T PANIC (he's not)!

I play a little with canon here regarding the Deathly Hallows (and Drarry, of course). More book-based than film with my imagination and some head-canons thrown in.  A lot of the dialogue (but not all) in the first part is taken straight from JKR's words. xx

I was lying motionless on the carpet of dead leaves in the darkness. The smell of the Forest filled my nostrils and I could feel the cold hard ground beneath my cheek and the hinge of my glasses. Every inch me ached and it felt like I'd been kicked in my chest by a centaur where the Killing Curse had hit me. I did not move. I took slow shallow breaths down into my diaphragm to hide the movements, despite the desperate need to inhale deeply. At least the darkness worked in my favour.

I wondered if this was the hardest challenge I'd faced over the last nine months. My life depended on staying still, on staying relaxed, on inaction... playing the part of a dead lion in the snake pit.

Only I didn't feel very lion-like. The root of a tree was digging into my side and my arm was tingling from how I had fallen onto it and my heart was throwing itself against my ribs as though determined to escape the body I'd so recently cast aside.

I hadn't been prepared for Voldemort to react so promptly when I'd appeared in the clearing. I decided I was relieved, despite the shock. I'd expected to be asked to duel again or to be tortured when I refused. Instead, he had said 'Harry Potter', so softly that his voice might have belonged to the spitting fire he was stood beside.

'The boy who lived...' he whispered.

Then he raised his wand and pointed it at me, his head tilted on one side, like a curious child. I saw his mouth move and the flash of green light, and then everything was gone. I was surprised that the Killing Curse hadn't actually hurt at the time. It just felt like I was waking up in the middle of a fog when I'd met Albus Dumbledore at that inbetween place.

And now I'd returned, and despite my pain, it was a strange calm in the middle of the storm. A time to take stock before the next part played out.

I still wasn't entirely sure about all of what Dumbledore had said but, as I'd told him, wasn't the old bastard so good at making things difficult with his mysterious and vague words of wisdom? I'd think about it later, about being the Master of Death and the right person to unite the Hallows. That was not for now. Now I had to mentally prepare for what was coming next. I was finally resigned now to the fact that I had to take a life from this planet. No one was going to do it for me. The fight would have to be intuitive because I felt I'd never know enough against someone like Voldemort. I had to just do this. I had to save my friends—all magical kind—the world—from him.

My face itched from laying on the forest humus and my long hair bothered me despite the protection it offered by hiding my face. I knew my heart rate was rising as my nerves increased. But at least my head felt clearer and my scar no longer hurt when I was close to him now that the Horcrux was gone. I tried counting my breaths in and out slowly, counts of six each way.

One, two, three, four, five, six...

I was sure there was a spider crawling over my cheek.

One, two, three, four, five, six...

I wondered how it was possible to discern so much around me in this moment. Perhaps it was because I was relying on senses other than sight but I felt so very alert as I lay on the floor of the Forbidden Forest.

I listened to the fire crackling in the middle of the clearing.

I heard the ropes that bound the silenced Hagrid sawing against each other as he struggled to free himself since Narcissa Malfoy had stood up and declared I was dead.

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