A Little Love Problem™

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A/N A Year Eight Story

'Malfoy's definitely up to something,' said Ron, not looking up from the book he was reading as he lay sprawled across his bed.

Mione rolled her eyes. She had camped out in Ron's room since term started, fairly permanently, as far as Harry could work out. He was only third wheeling because they were supposed to be having a 'study' session—under Mione's orders, of course—plus it meant Harry could escape all the unwanted attention he got wherever he went in the school. However, Ron seemed more interested in discussing the Malfoy Situation™ than studying. Only, there was no Malfoy Situation™ as far as Harry and Mione were concerned.

'Ron,' Harry sighed from his spot on the floor near the door, 'not this again.'

His position near the door was strategic; one had to keep one's wits about you in Hogwarts these days.

'Oh, how the tables have turned,' Ron said, 'in sixth year you couldn't say it enough.'

'Yeah, and in sixth year Malfoy was up to something. And now he's not, unless he's an idiot because he'll end up with a one-way ticket to Azkaban. And Malfoy is anything but an idiot.' Harry turned back to his page in his Advanced Potions book and truly pondered why the hell he'd come back. It certainly wasn't because he enjoyed writing 8" essays on the benefits of using Gillyweed in oxygenating potions. He had no idea what an oxygenating potion was. Maybe it created giant bubbles for the Prefect's bath. He thought longingly of the bath or maybe it was wishful thinking to be anywhere but here, listening to Ron expound his theories on Malfoy's non-existent nefarious deed of the day.

'Have you checked the map?' Ron insisted.

'No, I haven't checked the map. Why would I check the map?' said Harry with exasperation.

'To see where he's disappearing off to each day after dinner.'

Harry steadfastly refused to check the map, he wasn't getting involved. 'The Ministry have probably sentenced him to a year's worth of detentions with Filch,' he said, not meaning it in the slightest because all three of them had been at the Malfoys' trials and all three of them knew that wasn't the case.

'Have they?' said Ron, looking vaguely excited. 'Is that a new part of his probation?'

'Honestly, Ronald, could you get any more stupid?' said Mione with a put-upon sigh. 'Was Draco in detention with you yesterday?'

'Oh. No. It was a really pleasing idea though. Imagine the blond git being in detention for a whole year... and hey... I'm not stupid...'

'You never did say why McGonagall gave you a detention,' said Harry.

Ron blushed furiously and mumbled something incoherent.

'Pardon,' said Mione sharply.

'I told her Malfoy was up to something. We had an argument. I got a bit carried away and called her a dumb old hag.'

Harry started laughing. 'Oh, I would have liked to have been a Doxie in the curtains to see her reaction to that.'

'Yes, well, not one of my finest hours...' mumbled Ron.

'You're good at those,' said Mione in a disapproving tone. 'You were saying about not being stupid... Remind me again, why are we going out?'

'Probably because you think you can improve me or something,' Ron muttered. 'But I am who I am... a simple man with a big heart... and you love me for it.'

'Is it about now that I need to make a sharp exit?' muttered Harry because sentiments like that normally led to love-heart eyes and that led to...

The lighting dimming and soft background music playing.

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