'Harry, You're Staring Again!'

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A/N I had a request from @lottie_marauder_Xx for a 'Draco with blue hair' story. I have another, longer story that I'm currently writing but this one shot happened too. My Photoshop is a bit dodgy but the pics give the idea of where Harry and Draco are with their images.

A Year Eight Story.

Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! OH FUCK! OH. FUCK...

'Harry, you're staring again,' hisses Mione.

'Yes, but...' my head hits the table with a thunk and I'm at risk of smashing my glasses to smithereens.

'It's a good thing the Sorting Feast hasn't started yet,' Ron prods me in the ribs, the amusement clear in his voice. 'Or you'd have a face full of mashed potato.'

'What am I going to do...' I whine. 'My life is fucked... officially... well and truly... it's over... I may as well go and throw myself off the top of the Divination Tower. Forget the feast. Who needs year eight and bloody N.E.W.T.s anyway? I'm going...'

Two hands, one from each side, grab the back of Sirius's old bike jacket that I'm wearing and yank me back into my seat before I've even left the bench.

'He's only dyed his hair...' mutters Ron.

Only! I want to shout. ONLY! 'But have you seen it...?' I whimper pathetically.

'Yes,' sighs Mione. 'You pointed it out to us on Platform 9 ¾... and on the Hogwarts Express... and at Hogsmeade Station. You might have mentioned it in the carriage up to the school a couple of times. Then you pointed it out in the entrance hall... and at least a thousand times since we've sat down.'

'Did I mention the piercings...?'

'Once or twice,' says Ron.

My head hits the table with a thunk again. OH. FUCK.

'What's the matter with Harry?' asks Nev, taking the seat opposite me.

'Crisis of sexual orientation,' says Ron, matter of factly.

'Oh,' says Nev. 'I thought he was quite certain about preferring blokes... and stuff...'

'He is...' says Mione.

'...then he finally realised Malfoy was at the centre of his world and he's having a meltdown.'

'You would too,' I grumble into the wooden surface. 'If you suddenly realised that you were attracted to that blond git and he's probably the reason you've been questioning your sexuality for the last year or more...'

'He's not very blond anymore,' says Nev.

'We know...' chorus Ron and Mione.

'Harry might've bloody mentioned it a few times...' says Ron.

'I'm fucked,' I grumble into the table surface.

'Isn't that the idea?' says Ginny, who joins the fray.

'Piss off!' I mumble and make to stand up once more only to have Ron and Mione grab the back of my jacket again and pull me back down.

'Sit down! Or I'll use a Permanent Sticking Charm,' threatens Mione.

'I don't understand,' says Nev. 'Why's Harry only just realising now when it's been obv...'

Nev is hurriedly shushed and Ginny claps a hand over his mouth.

I still notice and scowl at him; my eyes narrowed. 'So, it's obvious, is it? How long have you all known?'

'Sixth year was a bit of a giveaway, mate,' says Ron.

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