1 First Meeting

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Author's POV:

A woman strolled along the road while watching the scenery in this beautiful country. She picked up her camera and started taking pictures of the city she was visiting.


A man with black outfits with a cap and mask covering his face walked casually while looking at the things in the shops along the road without buying it. As he was enjoying his time alone, he heard screaming. He looked back at the creepy sight of a group of people running towards him. His eyes widened and he started running away.

Well, you must be curious who he is. Well, he is the famous dancer and rapper of a KPOP group, EXO KAI!

Soo Kyung POV:

Click! I looked at the pictures I just took one by one. Perfect! Suddenly, someone bumped into me and I fall onto the floor. The person panicked and said sorry immediately. I nodded. He was about to leave but when I saw that my camera shattered on the floor I shouted.

"Stop!" He stopped and looked back. He was quite anxious. I pointed at the camera and he gasped.

"I'm sorry. I'll pay for that but not now. I'm in a hurry so here take my card and call me later. Ah, by the way my name is Kai. Just say my name when you call this number. I'm really sorry." He put the card in my hand and he ran away.

"What is he?" I said while looking at the card in my hand.


"So, he's a Korean. Forget it. I guess it's time to buy a new one. " I walked back to my hotel.

Kai POV:

I walked into the hotel room exhausted. I took off my cap and mask then threw myself on the bed. My phone rang.

Me: Hyung, wae ?
Suho hyung: Kai-ah, where are you? We're waiting for you.
Me: Ah ?
Suho hyung: We planned to eat together, right? You forgot about it?
Me: Aniyo, I'm getting ready now. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

I got up from the bed and changed my clothes then I headed back out.


The waitress brought me to the private room and opened the door for me. I thanked her and went to greet my members.

"Mianhae, yeorobun. I'm late."

"Where were you? I didn't see you at all today." Sehun said.

"Just walking around. Oh, manager-nim, is there anyone called asking for me?"


"Oh, if there's someone called and said my name, please give my number to her." Manager-nim nodded.

"Who is the person you mentioned?" They all looked at me curious.

"Just someone I met today."

"Is it female?" I nodded.

"Ouuu~~~~" They all said at the same time.

"What's the problem?"

"Nothing. Just reminding, if you have a girlfriend, don't forget to tell us first!" Suho hyung gave a soft reminder as a leader. I just rolled my eyes.

Soo Kyung POV:

I just finished my meal. I asked for the bill. I ruffled through my bag to find my purse and finally found it. I took out my card and gave it to the waitress. She swiped it and gave it back to me. I put my purse in my bag without zipping it back and just picked it up then left the restaurant. At the front door, a group of drunk people bumped into me. The most sober one said sorry for his friend and I smiled.

Kai POV:

We left the restaurant after finished our meal. From afar, I saw a girl talking to a group of people.

"Isn't it that girl?" I murmured to myself. She walked out of the door and I noticed something like a book on the floor. I ran to pick it up and rushed to catch her but she was gone in a speed of light.

"What are you looking for?" Sehun came to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly put the book in my pocket.

"Nothing. Let's go back to the hotel. I'm tired." We left to the hotel.


I washed up and then took the book from my jacket then laid on the bed. I looked at it. It's some kind of an album, I guess? As it's full of polaroid. I take a look page by page until the last page. There's a card.


"It's apparently that she's Korean too." I took my phone in my pocket and dialled the number. It rang for a while then someone picked it up.

Soo Kyung: Yeoboseyo?
Me: Yeoboseyo, can I talk to Shin Soo Kyung-ssi?
Soo Kyung: It's me speaking.
Me: I'm Kai. I'm the one who broke your camera. Do you remember?
Soo Kyung: Oh! Yes, I remember. But... How did you get my number?
Me: Ah... I found your namecard in your album. You dropped it at the restaurant just now. I tried to chase you but you disappeared instantly.
Soo Kyung: Oh, really? *sound of ruffling through her things* It's right. Thank you so much for picking it up for me. Then, where are you living? I'll go and pick it up.
Me: Umm... I'll text you the place and time later.
Soo Kyung: All right. Thank you so much.
Me: Wait! One more thing, about the camera... I'm waiting for your call.
Soo Kyung: Oh, that. No need. Moreover, you already helped me by keeping my album safely.
Me: But still...
Soo Kyung: I already said it's okay. But if you insist... Just give me the fee for repairing it.
Me: Alright. I'll give it to you when we meet.

She hung up. I send a friend request to her number and not long after that, she accepted it. I texted the address to her and she said she'll come by before she going back to Korea tomorrow.

Soo Kyung POV:

I went to the address he gave me last night. When I was about to get in, two men blocked me.

"You can't get in without a ticket. Show us your ticket." I became dumbfounded. What ticket? I decided to text him.


I can't get in. They asked me for a ticket. What ticket is it?

Oh, I'm sorry. Wait a minute.

I kept my phone and waited. The two men got a call then approached me.

" Are you Soo Kyung? "I nodded. Then, they let me in. I went in but I don't know where to go so I decided to call him.

Me: Umm... I'm in. Where should I go?
Kai: I'm at the makeup room now. Wait, I'll pick you up. *sound people calling for him* Umm... My concert is about to start. How about this? I'll ask someone to pick you up and you wait here until I finish.
Me: I think forget it. I'm in a hurry. My flight is tonight.
Kai: Ah, right. I forget about that. Then, I'll pass it to someone.
Me: Alright, thank you.

I waited then a man came to me.

"Soo Kyung-ssi?"


"This, Kai asked me to give it to you." He handed the album to me.

"Kamsahabnida. Then, I'll leave now. Sorry for the trouble." I bowed then left to the airport back to Korea.

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