Chapter Three

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"Well I'm going to head to my room for the night. Are you going to be okay?" Jimin

I nod at him, passing a smile and just grateful he spent the whole hour with me in the kitchen. I needed some company and Jimin was here for me thankfully.

"Are you sure? I mean I can stay longer." Jimin

I shook my head at him, gesturing for him to leave by waving the back of my hands towards him. He just chuckled, smiling back at me standing in the doorway.

"Fine then. Good night Y/n." Jimin


I managed to push out and Jimin flashed me a grin before he turned around and left the kitchen to head to bed I assume. He does have to get up early in the morning anyway.

Now alone I sighed and circled my finger along the rim of the glass in front of me. I do wish I could drink alcohol right now but I'm still breast feeding so drinking if off the table right now. Alcohol free drinks are better than nothing, it almost tastes the same.

Taehyung's words from earlier keep running in my mind. It hurts that he wants me to actually reject him but the thing is, is that I would have to mean it and because I don't want to, if I even tried it wouldnt work. It has to come from every part of your mind, body and soul to fully reject someone and I just love him too much to let him go.

How could he think of such a big thing like that?

He's rather be in pain of rejection than be close to me again?

I don't understand why. Maybe if he talked to me a little more I could understand him but he wont let me near him long enough to ask or could he figure out what I'm thinking as he's not in the same room with me long enough to bond.

At this point I'm becoming hopeless that what Taehyung and I once had, will never be the same. All our memories just vanished like that and on top of that Taejun may never have a relationship with Taehyung if he's not careful.

But at least Taejun has a bond with Jungkook.

Jungkook may not be Taejun's biological father but he's damn close to it. He acts more of a father to Taejun than Taehyung more so over everything to do with my son.

"Y/n, I've put Taejun down for the night. He woke up." Jungkook

With a sharp gasp I spun around to see Jungkook wondering in the kitchen.

For one I didn't expect to see him for the rest of the night and I didn't hear Taejun wake up other wise I would have gone to him.

"Don't worry about it though, he's fine now and snoring away." Jungkook

He chuckles and head to the refrigerator taking out two bottles of water and comes over to sit beside me with a smile on his face, placing one bottle in front of me and opening his own.

"Drink some of this before you sleep tonight. Drinking that stuff before bed will make you dehydrated." Jungkook

Sliding the bottle closer to me I thanked him mentally as I watched him gulp some of his water and close it back up and put the bottle down in front of him.

"It's really no bother Y/n. He's my little dude anyway, blood relation or not." Jungkook

"You're sweet."

I whispered to him, smiling ear to ear admiring his handsome face, that I've started to become all the more attracted to. Jungkook's expression changed to the look of surprise but I just mentally giggled at his reaction and opened my bottle to take a drink.

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