Chapter Four

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It's actually surprising that Taehyung decided to join us this afternoon and without Yeri for that matter.

I cant help be over the moon at that so my bad mood that I had this morning is long gone and I can just focus on this day with my son, mates and friends.

Today is a hot day so Jisoo asked if we wanted to spend some take at the lake and I couldn't say no. It's been a while since I've been there and Taejun could use a little swim to cool off. He was a little cranky this morning because he was so hot.

Jimin and Hoseok came with us and we met up with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin since they all had a quiet day since it was a Sunday which is typical.

Jungkook also joined and both Taehyung and himself wanted to eat before swimming but had to wait a little while after eating before swimming.

Jimin and Hoseok immediately started picking on Namjoon. Since he's the tallest they were determined to pull him down into the water without using their ranks strength against him other wise that would be cheating. Where as Jin brought a unicorn floaty and decided to sun bath with his shades on while he floated along the water. Yoongi was sitting by the edge, sipping on his flask watching Jimin and Hoseok with Namjoon, laughing that Namjoon was finally submerged in the water thanks to the two.

Jisoo and I just laughed at them, well Jisoo's laughter came out loud where as mine isn't quite there yet. It's more like a whispering chuckle or something like that but slowly and surely my voice is coming out stronger and louder every day.

Taejun was with me in his floaty ring and wearing his little blue swim trunks that just managed to fit him. Jisoo was splashing the water in front of him lightly to create little ripples in the water as he watched curiously and attempted to copy her with his chubby hands.

I smiled seeing my son playing with the water, every now and then he would stretch a gummy smile but not laugh. He hasn't done that yet. I do worry he may not get a voice like me, but I can only pray he doesn't and gets a voice like his father.

Speaking of his father he was busy sitting on the bench, leaning over his knees using his elbows for support on his thighs watching us from a far. As much as I try to not look at him, it's hard not to. Every now and then I would gaze toward him and meet his strong gaze before looking away again.

"Yoongi let's go!" Jungkook

Jungkook suddenly grabbed Yoongi's hand and dragged him into the water, taking his flask and throwing it to the bench in front of Taehyung's feet.

"No, leave me alone." Yoongi

"Nah, let's play a game!" Jungkook

"Oh yeah, game!! I'm in!" Hoseok

"Jin get your butt over here and play with us!" Jimin

"No way! Im catching up on my sun tan!" Jin

"Jisoo would you like to play a game with us my love?" Namjoon

He asked after swimming over in our direction. There's no point in asking me, I will want to stay with Taejun.

Jisoo looked back over to me, as if asking for permission but she didn't need to. If she wants to go play a game with them all then she can go right ahead. So I nodded and she grinned with a squeal and swam over to Namjoon to just hook her arms around his neck.

"Of course. Let's play!" Jisoo

Namjoon laughed at her and together they swam over to join every one else.

Jungkook spun around to face me, flashing me his bunny smile and waved. I just waved back but then he gave me this questionable expression. I kind of got the picture he was asking if I was okay where I was and I am more than okay with my baby. I nodded at him and he smiled again, turning around to start talking to the others about what game they were going to play.

I just turned back to Taejun and swam towards the edge with him and then back a couple metres away. He liked it anyway but when the water would splash in his face he would pout his little lips and get all confused if the water got on his eyes. I would stop, laugh and wipe as much water out his eyes as I could. My son is a good baby, normally babies would cry if they got water in their eyes, but not Taejun.


Taehyung's sudden voice behind me startled me and I turned around to see him now in the water behind me, seemingly acting as if he was shy and looking down at the water surrounding him.

"I just want to say I'm sorry about yesterday and what I said. I didn't mean it and I shouldn't of said that." Taehyung

I hummed at him and turned around facing my back to him. He may have said sorry but that doesn't mend the hurt I've been feeling. When is he going to learn not to say hurtful things out of anger.

I concentrated on my son, tapping my palm against the water and then taking his small hand to show him how to do the same. He just watched curiously until he started to do the same thing on his own.

"So he likes the water huh? Is he like this at bath time too?" Taehyung

Well you would know if you bathed him. That is what I wanted to say to him but that was too much to even try to say just yet.

"Hmm. I guess that's true. I would know if I was there to bath him." Taehyung

I nod firmly, not even denying it and glad he acknowledged it.

Taejun loves his bath time and he loves to swim in his ring floaty. Even with his soaked bucket hat on his head he looks all the more adorable in the water.

"Y/n?" Taehyung

Hearing my name come from him again I looked over my shoulder at him, raising a brow questionably.

"Can I say hello to him?" Taehyung

I nod and supress my smile and slide to the side to allow him access to come closer. Taehyung's eyes grew slightly enlarged but he didn't speak but instead swam closer to Taejun and just watched his son splash on is own little world. I curiously watched just to see what Taehyung would do it he started to make hesitant moves towards Taejun's tiny hands. Reaching out his large hand for his sons, he gently took a hold of one hand and soothes his finger on the top of Taejun's hand.

Taejun paused splashing and looked up at his dad. My heart skipped a beat watching this interaction for the first time. The both shared the same eyes and nose, so it was almost like their doubles staring at one another.

Taehyung just smiled, caressing his sons hand using one of his own hands and reached up to poke Taejun's chubby cheek with the other. Taejun was confused that his cheek was poked at and blinked up at his dad and then stretched a gummy smile.

A smile?

Taejun finally smiled!!

Taehyung suddenly looked to me startled but then started to laugh.

Although that was short lived when a unwelcome voice was heard from the bench.


Fuck sake. Stupid Yeri.

Taehyung growled and turned around, letting go of Taejun's hand.

There by the bench was Yeri frowning at Taehyung, hands on her hips and tapping her foot impatiently.

"You said you were busy working Taehyung. What the hell is this?!" Yeri

I just glared at her where as Taehyung sighed and swam back to the land and walked out the water, grabbing her arm and dragged her away. Jungkook's growling was heard in the back ground and Jimins voice telling him to calm down came soon after.

I just swallowed my hurt again and turned back to my son and started playing with him again. That was until I heard something, something in my mind I haven't heard in my mind for a long time.

"I'm sorry Y/n. If you can meet me at our spot, on the hill. I'll make it up to you. Please." Taehyung

He remembers our spot?

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