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"Why aren't you in the office?"

"Didn't feel like coming."

"Get your lazy ass down here right now or I'm gonna break into your house and kiss you in front your girlfriend. And I'm not even lying." Jimin was blabbering nonsense.

He was supposed to be celebrating Taehyung's birthday in the office tonight and the latter decides to call it a day off. And now he was furious.

"My girlfriend is gonna rip your heart out and smack it right onto that lips of yours."

"That's gross Tae. Stop watching those stupid documentaries." Jimin grimaces at the scene he just imagined.

"It's my eyes, I'll watch whatever I wish."

"It's my best friend, I'll demand whatever I wish. Now get the fuck here."

"No." Taehyung deadpans him on the call.

"Fucking fine. I'm raiding your house tonight." Jimin's voice is laced with menacing determination causing the younger to choose his actions carefully.

"No wait. I'll come. Wait for me. Promise you won't come home."

"That's like my TaeTae. Promise. Come soon. I'm waiting."

And the line disconnects.

Taehyung sighs, still in his bed, while his girlfriend has already left for her studio.

An evil smirk grows on his lips as a plan enters his head to cause some nuisance to Jimin.

For giving me a sleepless night of overthinking!

"You will wait for me? Let's see how long will you!" And with that, he goes back to being cozy in his blanket and dozing off to sleep, not before switching his phone off.

"That fucking piece of pie has switched off his phone and no one's picking the landline." Jimin growls in his office, his patience on the edge.

He really wanted to be with Taehyung when bringing in his birthday. They always did it together.

"Sir, what happened?" A panicked Jungkook enters the office after hearing a loud bang on the table.

"Nothing much. Your boss is insane, and is driving me insane with him as well."

"He'll come around sir. It's just a birthday. You can wish him on phone."

"What kind of a male specimen are you exactly? Didn't you say I need to make his birthday special because he's my best friend?" Jimin looks at the youngest in disbelief.

"Oh. Sorry. Yeah I did. I thought Mr. Kim said-"

"Yeah I know what he said. But that doesn't mean I will be okay with me not being around him tonight. It's our... Nothing. Nevermind!"

Jungkook goes to Jimin to offer him a few words and gestures of comfort. Or rather, just an excuse to be near him.

Jimin is too smart for his liking and thus his efforts to squeeze himself around him unreasonably seemed to always fail. And thus, he always looked forward to such opportunities.

Keeping his palm over the older's on the table, he sits across and speaks.

"Don't worry sir. He might just be busy with Ms. Chou. He'll eventually come around."

I wish he doesn't!

"Well, that's really not helping Kookie. I think you should leave. It's past your working hours too."

"It's okay Jiminie. I think I can give you company till Mr. Kim comes." He squeezes the older's palm warmly.

Much to Jimin's displeasure!

He dismisses Jungkook who was reluctant to leave at first, but eventually comes around when Jimin glares at him with annoyance.

Why is this male specimen suddenly so clingy?

After everyone was out and the building was almost empty, Jimin huffs loudly, dialling Taehyung's cell once more.

Switched off

"When I said I'll wait, I'll wait. Let's see when you finally get reminded about me."

Jimin keeps his head down on the desk, exhausted from all the stressing.  From the corner of his eyes, he glances at an average sized box wrapped in a glossy white gift wrap, a purple ribbon wound elegantly around it.

"Don't forget me TaeTae." He breathes, before sleep engulfs him into darkness.

11:40 PM

Jimin wakes up with a jolt, almost terrified that he missed his best friend's birthday. He scrambles through his desk with blurry eyes for his phone to check the time.

He lets out a relieved sigh after realising there's still 20 minutes to go.

He really forgot didn't he?

Jimin dials again.

Switched off

He doesn't realise that a single drop of tear has rolled down his right cheek. He wipes it angrily with the back of his hand.

"Fuck you!"

"Hey, don't you dare curse while bringing in my birthday." A voice jolts him out of his chair.

He looks up and forward to find Taehyung standing at the glassdoor frame, hands buried in the pocket of his black wide leg trousers. He was wearing a loose fit grey t-shirt tucked in the pants.

He was leaning on the door to his right side, looking as handsome as ever.

Jimin didn't know how overwhelmed he was feeling untill he rushes to Taehyung, engulfing him in a bone crushing hug, literally!

Taehyung gets disoriented with the sudden impact and stumbles back, securing Jimin by his waist to prevent falling, causing an inexpressible jolt of shiver run down the older's spine.

Fortunately, he was able to balance him as well as Jimin and they stand wrapped around each other for a few good minutes.

"I hate you."

Taehyung hears Jimin sniff beside his ear, his voice coming out trembled.

"I love you too." He smiles.

"Shut up. I totally, completely, irrevocably hate you. You ungrateful, nauseous and disgusting piece of pie."

"Jeez. That's too many adjectives." He chuckles at the older, hugging him more cozily.

"I thought you- you won't come." Jimin let's out a sad muffled sob.

This alarms Taehyung and he holds the older away from his neck, to make him look at himself.

"Hey Chim, look here. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm really sorry." He feels terrible seeing his Chim in tears.

Instead of getting calm, more fresh tears roll down Jimin's cheeks flawlessly.

"Hey hey hey. Stop. Don't cry please. I-"

Taehyung buries the older into his chest softly once again, hand soothing his back in slight motion. Due to his small form and height, Jimin fits perfectly into the protective cocoon of the younger.

The god-knows-what flavour of perfume from Taehyung fills Jimin's senses, calming him down from the emotional over sensitivity.

Taehyung sighs sadly and places his chin on the older's head, closing his eyes and holding him close, as if it will help him absorb the smaller's worries and hurt.

It feels good!

A/N: Tell me, who's thought was the last line?

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