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Jesse POV

  I sat in the corner with my knees to my chest and my head down. I was stuck in a memory that I never wanted to remember.  I seen my mother come flying backwards through the doorway with a bloody face. I saw my father come walking through after her. He was angry, real angry. When he started to bend over above mom she kicked him in the face real hard maling him tumble back off balance a little. I wanted to run but couldn't.  Next thing a I knew I saw a little girl come running screaming and jumping on his back with her arms around his throat. He back against tue wall tryimg to get her off but instead accidently put a knife through her leg. She didn't notice as she held on for her life. Once mom gained her balance she came runnung kicking him between the legs and puching him i  the middle of the forehead and he passed out. She landed hard on her wounded leg but she still didnt seem to notice. "MOMMY ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?" She gasped. "Mommy is fine but your not." She replied calmly loking at her 6 year old daughters leg. She looked down at ger bleeding out leg and looked back at her mother and said "I'm fine mommy." she calmly walked to the bathroom and left her mother in shock. I crawled behind her and watched as she cleaned up her leg and wrapped her wound in medical wrap. She walked back in the room and grabbed the phone and called her daddys friend to come drag him off  the floor and away from home. After she walked over to her shaking mother down on her knees and gave her a hug and said "Its okay mommy the bad guys is going away." I couldnt help  but bawl my eyesout at how strong I was as a child. I didnt let a thing bother me. Why cant I just wake up already!?! I laid my head in my knee and hugged them closer to my body.

   -Elaines POV
  I woke up with a nerf dart stuck to my forehead. "Ugh" i said rubbung my head, "What happened?"  I tried to sit up but was weighed down by Caleb passed out against my arm and he was weighed down by Jocy laying on him with her arms wrapped around him.  Seeing them like that made me think of Jesse, only to look over and not see her in the chair. I panicked jumping up looking for her. "HUH,WHATS WRONG!?!?!?" They both jumped up yelling.  I ignored them amd ran towards tye bedroom tripping on my foot and catching myself on the wall. I busted through the osed door to see her laying there with a black cloud above her. I franticly lookedarou d nit knowing what to do except  run to her and scoop her up in my arms.  The black cloud disapeared when i got close enough to touch her. This is insane! I rubbed my hands through my hair trying to figure something out.  "Jesse! You gotta wake up! Please, I need you." I dropped on my knees next to the bed and grabbed her hand. "I need you, Im lonely without you, I dont like seeing you so out cold and fragile looking. You've been in my life since the day I was born and when you disapeared for 6 years it was the worst time of my life. I need you please wake up!" My voice grew louder.


I could hear a faint voice in the distance for awhile. I couldnt tell who it was or what they was saying but it made me feel insane. I got up and walked around for a little while to stretch and think. They must be worried about me out there. I'm hoping I'll somehow come back to reality soon. I couldnt bare to go thro ghanother child hood memory.  "No more!" I dragged myself down the hall to find a bed. There were so many doors i didnt remember,  but a light blue one caught my eye a few feet away, so... I walked in. I didnt look around but only plopped on the bed suddenly feeling so tired. I laid for hours trying to fall asleep.


I heard a noise coming from the other room. Elaine and Jocy were asleep on the couch but I wasnt even tired so I stayed up. It sounded like Jesse but I didnt want to wake tue others until I was sure so I crept through the hallway to her room.  I slowly opened the creeky door to find her fidgeting and struggling. "No no no!" She grew louder so i quickly shut the door and walked over to her. She was fidgeting and it was hard to hold her down so I grabbed her shoulders and light shook her. "Jesse wake up. Jesse wake up" I repeated. It wasnt working so I let go and sat next to her on the bed. I watched her as her face scruntched up like she was in pain.  A minute or 2 later she slammed up yelling and I qyickly covered her mouth and put my arm around her. She was crying and talking and malung no sense. "It's alrght now your awake and everything is fine." I whispered rubbing her back. "My ribs hurt" she hoarsly replied. "Thats becase they're broken, just lay back and I'll get you and aspirin and a water bottle." I explained. "Okay." She replied whiping her face. I snuck back out into the livingroom and they were still out cold. Yes! I quietly grabbed the aspirin bottle and 2 water bottles out of the fridge and snuck back to Jesse. When I walked in she was laying there with her hands up in her face looking at me between her fingers. "Here you go" I smiled. "I don't want to lay down anymore." She stated. "Well you cant sit up since your ribs..." I paused. "You can stand."  She smiled so I helped her up off the bed. "Im so sore" she said taking a few aspirins.  "I know, why dont you wall around the room and stretch a little." She didnt reply but sat the water bottle down and grabbed my hand.  Her skin was freezing. She held my hand up as she walked back and fourth so if she fell I would catch her. She smiled wide until she noticed something. "Whats that smell?" She sniffed ger arm. "Jocy has been bathing you for Elaine so you wouldnt wale up feeling filthy and I was feeding you soup " I explained. She looked a little shocked and confused for a moment but then hugged me tight. "Thank you, where are they anyways?" She questioned. "Sleeping." I replied. "Oh okay." She said holding herself. She went to the closet searching around as i stood tyere drinking my water bottle. She soon then walked over to me putting my hands on the front wyere he ribs were and the back to. "I want you to put pressure in the spots where your hands are until you heard a crack." She demanded. "But wont thay make them worse?" I asked. "Yes, but its to help tyem heal better to." She confused me. I didnt say anything else but slowly squeezed hard and hard until I heard a loud breaking noise. She didnt flinch in any pain at all but only wrapped herself tightly qith wide medical wrap. "Here let me help" I said grabbing it. She held her arms as I walked around her until the wrap was gone. She put little metal pins on the end to keep it tight and sighed in releif. "Thats sooo much better" she let like sye was hlding her breath.she grabbed Elaines flannel that was hanging on tye bed post and put it on because all she was wearing was her boxer shorts and a sports bra. After she put on some grey baggy sweat pants. I have to say she looked good in that blue flannel.  "So what should we do?" She asked. "I dont know, whatever you want." I replied.  "I kind of feel the need to change the bed sheets, they look old and dirty." She replied pullung off the blankets.Iwent and got some new ones out of the closet and helped her make the bed. It looked so much better with clean sheets. After the bed was fullyade she junped up there and scooted over to the wall laying back putting her hands behind her head. "Ahh yeahh" she stated, " well, arent you gonna get up here?" She patted the next to her and turned on the Tv where the news was on.  "Can i asl you something?" I sat down next to her. "Sure" she smiled. "How old are you?" Her look turned serious as she looked at me. "How old do I look?" She asked. "20" I replied nervous. "I guess that would be close if i was normal." She laughed. "What?" I confused. " I'm a 315" she boldly stated. What!?!?

*Authors note; Didnt see that coming did you? Anyways hope your enjoying the story. It might not be as good as i think but im new at this. So like/vote/comment. :)

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