A few minutes later ..

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Elaines POV.

It all happened so fast she was here just a moment ago. Now she's gone. The three other guys were standing there with they're mouths to the ground an one kid of giggling. Caleb didn't dare to leave the house and Jocy was looking out the window. I felt my heart shatter to a zillion peices, maybe more. Tears started welling up an I didn't know what to think or say. I could only just stare at the burning house. Caleb came running out with a hose an tried to spray it as much as he could. He got most of the fire down after a few minutes, that was one long hose to. "I think your good to go man." Caleb tapped my shoulder. So I slowly walked towards the house. Once I got inside it was horrible. Everything was just burned, charred, made to ashes. I felt a pain in my chest. I watched my step as I walked through the house looking for a burned to death body but found something different. The further I got to the back of the house the more red the walls got. It made my chest ache even more. Once I moved what I think was a burnt dresser I found Jesse sprawled out against a wall. There was a few holes burned in her shirt an she had a big cut from the top of her lip to her ear, I think something scraped her face in the explosion. I felt the crease of her neck under her jaw for a heart beat an got a very very slow one. How was she still alive? I'm glad she is though. When I went to pick her up I noticed her shoulder felt strange but her whole body felt weak an fragile.I've never seen her look so small. Just seeing that made a tear run down my cheek. I rushed out of the burnt and broken house across the street to our house. I told the other boys to find a house that isn't to bad. I kept carrying her bridal style into the house and to the bedroom. She didn't move which made me feel worse. I gently laid her down an propt her head up on a small pillow, so I ran to the bathroom and got a price of tissue, bamdaids and rubbing alchahol. She would probably be yelling at me to call down if she was awake right now, but shes not. I gently clean the long cut in her face and true to put a few band aids on. I dropped the trash into a trash bin next to the bed whole closing the rubbing alchahol. I slowly examined her body looking for any breaks or swelling. She had what felt like 2 broken ribs an her shoulder was knocked out of place. I gently lofted her shirt an saw part of a bruise. I noticed she had on a sports bra she was running around in a few hours ago, I thought she changed. I just stated at her before deciding that I should get these burnt clothes off of her. Shell probably get mad at me for seeing her in a sports bra and boxers but I dont care, so I got the sissors out of the drawer and stated in the middle of her shirt. I probably could be just ripped it off but that would he a little to rough. She always looked so bold and strong but at this moment she looked so fragile I got most her shirt off then started in her pants. She really liked these pants to.I wasn't worried about getting the clothes out form under her right now. I was just hoping she would be okay and awake soon. The whole right side if her body was deeply bruised. I wanted to stay by her side but I also needed to take care of myself. I walked to the living room an turned the radio on, maybe some music will help a little. A good Jason aldean song was on but I just wasn't feeling it. I opened up a can of chicken noodle soup. I just stood there staring at it. I was to lost in my thoughts to do anything, I tried to pour it into a bowl but I almost missed not paying enough attention. I never do when she's around either. I just do dumb stuff and probably make her confused. I wonder if she's dreaming right now. I wish I could be straight forward with her. From now on I will after she wakes up which will hopefully be soon. For sole reason I feel like those lids had something to do with it, they were lind of laughing. I should go say se thing but I decided against it, I don't want to leave her alone. She's defensless right now an something could happen. Eventually I dozed off on the couch. I was hurting.

Jocy's POV

"Caleb what happened today? I seek the house burning actions the street." I fj ally decided to ask. "Jesse went to check out a house an it exploded.Elained said she should be fine but she has a very slow heart beat and a few broken bones an bruises." He explained. "Man" is all I could make out. I was at a loss for words. "Should a person die from an explosion like that?" I awkwardly asked. "Yes but she didn't thank God, Jesse isn't no ordinary human." He replied staring at his pokemon game. I didn't say anything back. I winder what he meant by that. What happened that would make him say that. Is she super human? I was lost into thoughts watching Caleb. "Babe?" He said. "Huh? What?" I snapped back to reality. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled. He returned the smile an gave me a quick kiss. He was so dorky most times but right now he sounded serious. I can't veleibe this is happening. In the short time I've gotten to know her she's been really kind to me. She's a better friend turn anyone I've ever met. Elaine think she'll be okay. I hope she is.

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