Caleb POV

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"Your what?!?!" Caleb gasped.
"Yes" I answered.
"But, How?!" He responded.
"Lets just say this; Theres been alot of secrets and rumours past around over the years. Ever heard of 'Secrets Still alive'?" She asked. Why would she ask that? That story has been passed through my family."I think." I said. She looked at me. "A story of a girl who wasnt normal. Born a rebal as i heard of, she spent most of her life in the shadows helping people but when they realised she was still there for over a 150 years they accused her of mortality and whitchery they searched for her wanting to punish her." I tried to remember and explain.
"And they still were for many many years until they thought they found me and burned me alive."
"They burned you?" I was confused.
"Yea, I had found my faturnal twin and switched to her body. I didnt kill her she had already killed herself right before I got there. She left a note saying everything was mine including her body. So I transfered my blood to her left my body and laid in hers and tada here I am today." She explained. She licked her finger and rubbed it across the middle of her throat side ways revealing a long scar from a bad cut, I guess she kept it covered woth foundation. This is all so confusing. I stood there a bit dumbfound because I had no response. "Hey its morning" she smiled. I seen the bright sun coming up in the horizon. I heard the bathroom door shut and loud peeing, It's Elaine, I put my finger up to my mouth telling her to be quiet. She slowly dropped to the side of the bed nowhere to be seen. I ran and hid in the closet leaving the door cracked so I could see. "Caleb you i-" he stopped looking shocked. "Jesse!?!" He panicked. He ran out to only bring back Jocy who was also panicking. She came over to where I was and I jumped out at her but she wasnt scared. I frowned as she punched my shoulder, "Wheres Jesse!" She almost yelled. "I dont know! I came in saw something floating and she was gone." I replied rubbing my shoulder. I couldnt help but laugh and they turned around to find her laying on the bed. Elaine didnt say a word but Jocy ran over and lightly hugged her. "Jocy dont squeeze her to tight!" I gasped. "Its fine Caleb she smiled. "Yo Elaine?" I waved my hand in front of him. "Well be back later Jesse. I think you need some time" I told her as I pulled Jocy away. "Okay thanks again for taking care of me you guys."

Jesse POV
I heard the front door shut and I scooted to the end of the bed and stood up. "Are you gonna say anything?" I asked. He walked up to my and gently put his arms around me. I squeezed him longing for more but didnt act or say. He let go with his hands on my side and looked at me with a smile. He stared deep into my eyes before roughly kissing me. Oh how Ive been longing for it. He reached into my- his unbuttoned flannel I was wearing and felt the wrap around me. "Whats this?" He asked. "I doctored myself and Caleb help me." I replied. "Oh." Is all he barely got out before asking for entrance, so I let him in. We parted to breathe after what seemed like forever. He kept his arms around me but stood straight up. I couldnt help but stare into his beautiful light grey eyes, but I noticed that they were a bit darker than usual, more seductive like and a bit hungry. This is going to be an interesting morning. He let go and his arms fell to his sides like he was in a day dream so I sat down at the end of the bed with my hands folded in my lap looking down. I couldnt help but think about my memories from so long ago. Yet, I have these feelings I've never felt before. I wasnt even paying attention to my surroundings, I was to wrapped up in my thoughts. Without warning I got up and walked towards the front door. I felt angry, very angry. I felt something grab me from behind an lift me up. I struggled to be put down but they wouldnt budge. I looked to the ground and saw Elaines shoes so I knew who it was. "Put me down!!!" I yelled smacking the back of his legs. I could feel his shoulder digging into my back, it was really starting to annoy me. It didnt hurt but just plain irritated me. "No, your hurt. Your not doing anything til' you're better.

Elaine's POV
I slowly laid her down in the bed as her face went I to the pillow. She didnt move at all. Its nit even like she was hurt but of course her pain tolerence is higher than most. "Jesse?" I frowned. She didnt make a move, just laid there face first into the pillow on her stomach. "You should roll over." I rolled her onto her back. I could hear her whispering, "What?" I crawled up over her and put my face closer to hers. All I heard was her breathing, she had her eyes closed so I wasnt sure what she was doing. I stared her face a but confused, until i noticed how punkish her lips were. Is that lipgloss? I felt her lip and somethung think and a bit sticky came off onto my finger, it smells good. What about taste? Hmm... I lightly kissed her feeling how soft her lips were. She pushed back with a light giggle grasping onti my neck pulling me on top of her. I tried to raise up but she wouldnt let me. "Your fine, stoo trying ti be so gentle." She huffed. I could feel feel her hands traveling up the inside of my shirt as she started to deepen the kiss. I felt amazing! I wonder if she does right now. She has to feel something, I was pretty much laying on top of her. I rubbed my hand up her stach until I felt the wrap around her. It had come loose so my hand was under it. I could feel her snapped rib slightly moving but it also felt like a sharp knife trying to push through from under her skin. I think she norice: t was worrying me so she bodly gravbed my hand and dropped it on her chest, instantly distracting me from my thoughts. I felt the urge to feel more of her body but pushed it away. I could not let my mind take over my actions. It would push things to fast and ruin what we have. Althought she was thinkih tue same thing because she was tempting to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my jeans. She tried pushing them down but her arms werent long enough. So I help her by kickug off my boots and wigglining out of them tue rest of the way. She sat up patiently watching me as I took off my clothes to only be in my boxer breifs. She ahd already taken tye flannel off and I pulled at her pant legs pulling them off to reveal her in her female boxers and aports bra. I fmwas feeling so self concious and she seemed to notice so she turned on the Tv and tightened the wrap around her ribs. I could hear the news talking real low about this old messed up town. "You comin?" She asked crawling ubder tye blankets. I slowly walked over to tue hed whike she drank some water. "It is beleived that there is someone living in the town rebuilding the old buildings back into perfect condition. This is beleived because wuen the town had crashed this building was completly leveled now ti inly find it a few short weeks later completly fixed like nothing ever happened." Jesse spit her water out into a mist as the news lady stopped talking. "Whats wrong??!!" I asked concerned. "I did that?" She choked out as i patted her back. I was confused a bit by her reply but didnt keep the conversation going. She slammed back into the pillow putting the closed water bottle onto the table. I laid back and she rolled over cuddling up to me laying on my chest. Within mintues we fell asleep.

Authors note:I know I rambke on ;) but I cant help it at all. When I write I just get so lost unti the story. I'm not a perfext writer but it's just for fun so hate all you want. Love you all

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