The blue box

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anyways this is in sweden because that where im from lol

You sat on your bed, crying, blade in hand and blood dripping down your wrists. You were brave enough to cut but not brave enough to end yourself. You didn't want to die. You just wanted to feel something other than sadness. Pain and sadness. Great combo.

You were sobbing when you heard a sound. A very loud screeching kinda sound. You looked up and in your small bedroom stood a blue box. A 1950s police box to be exact. Out of the box came a man dressed in a brown suit and white converse. He looked around in the dimly lit room until his eyes landed on you.

"Hello", he waved.

"Who are you? Why are you in my bedroom in the middle of the night?!", tears were still streaming down your cheeks, but you had covered up your bloody wrists with the sleeves of your grey hoodie.

"Easy now", the man said. "I'm not here to hurt you, I swear", I started walking towards you. "I'm not supposed to be here I think, something must have gone wrong", your back hit the wall behind you. If your parents were home and cared about you they would have called the police. They weren't home though, they were on a trip to somewhere in Greece and left you at home to fend for yourself. They also didn't care about you.

"Who are you?!", you almost yelled.

"I'm the doctor", he answered.

"Doctor who?", you were truly scared of this doctor man.

"Just the doctor", he said. "By the way, where am I?", he asked you.

"Sweden", you answered. "Stockholm to be more exact".

"Why am I in Sweden? She must have gone mad. Anyways, when am I?", he must really be insane.

"What do you mean with when am I?", you were still lightly crying.

"What year", he asked. "2021? Shouldn't you know that?", you answered, confused and scared.

"Okay, good. Nothing bad happened this year from what I can remember. But why am I in Sweden? In a teenager's bedroom?", he talked to the air.

"What? Nothing bad, from what you can remember??", you wished this was a bad dream.

"Oh, yeah! Ehm..", he seemed to be thinking. "Long story, could you come in here", he pointed to the door of the police box. "Why? It's small and I don't wanna get kidnapped", you said, suspiciously. "I swear, trust me, I won't kidnap anyone", he looked pleadingly at you.

Something in you trusted him and that's what made you follow him into the blue box. You walked inside and saw something both weird and amazing.

It was bigger on the inside.

You walked outside again. Still a small police box. You walked inside. Huge. You couldn't believe your eyes. "It's bigger- what?", you whispered to yourself. "I didn't overdose, what? I only took a few", you fell to your knees. Then you heard the doctor's voice.

"Here we are!", he said, awfully cheerful. "The tardis! My ship that can travel through space and time", you looked up at the man. He was standing by a big, glowing thing in the middle. It looked like a control panel.

"You're definitely not human", you walked up to him.

"Bingo!", he smiled, ear to ear. It was only then that you realized that you were still holding the blade and that it was cutting your hand. You dropped it on the metal floor. "What did you say?", he asked you. "About an overdose?".

"Oh. Well I feel like I'm high or something but I only took a few pills. Pain killers", you explained.

"Why did you take pain killers?", the doctor asked. "Oh, ehm.. just a headache, y'know", you shrugged at the bad lie.

"Also.. what did you just drop on the ground?", he looked at the floor by my feet. "Ehh, nothing", panic hit you. What if he realized that you were a cutter? What if he threw you out, maybe he would find you disgusting? You could feel blood soaking your hoodie. Oh no.

He bent over and picked up the blade. "A blade", he studied the bloody blade, then he looked up at you. He looked at your tear streaked cheeks and at your bloody hand. "Oh my god, are you okay?", he looked worried.

"Y-ye..- no, no I'm not", you fell onto him and he hugged you tightly. You felt tears running down your cheeks, down on the doctor's striped suit. "I-I'm so sorry", you managed to get out. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about, dear", he rubbed circles on your back. "It's going to be okay, it's going to be alright", he whispered over and over in your ear.

The next thing you remembered was waking up on a bed. You looked around you and saw the doctor sitting on a chair by your bed. "You're awake", he smiled at you. You smiled back. "How are you feeling?", he asked.

"Euhh..", you thought about it. "I don't know. What happened?, you asked, avoiding his question.

"Oh you must have fainted", he looked at you. "Loss of blood. But luckily for you, we got medical stuff on board", the doctor smiled softly at you. "I bandaged your arms and hand", he nodded towards you. You looked down and saw the white bandage wrapped around your hand.

You looked at the doctor again. "I'm so sorry", you whispered. "What are you sorry for?", he asked back. "That you.. you accidentally ended up in the bedroom of an idiot. That I wasted your time like this. By being an emotional wreck", you sighed.

"That's not something you should be sorry for, dear", he looked at you affectionately. "Things happen, don't you worry", he stroked your hair.

"Is there any specific reason you did this?", the doctor asked you after a while. "Ehh.. feel something I guess", you shrugged as best as you could while laying down. "Where are your parents? The tradis can be quite loud, they should have woken up", he looked at a door. "They're on a trip to Greece. A week, they left me to fend for myself", you said nonchalantly. "They're coming back in 5 days I think", you sat up a bit.

"Did you want to stay or did they leave you?", the doctor looked worried. "I haven't thought about it", you looked at your feet at the end of the bed. "It would have been fun to go to Greece.. but not with them. Actually they didn't ask, they just left", you said.

"Why don't you want to go with them?", he started to sound like a therapist.

You thought for a bit. "They don't really care about me and both have a bit of an alcohol addiction", you looked at the doctor.

"You said that you wanted to feel something? Does it have something to do with your parents?", he asked.

"Well.. I usually just feel sad, or sometimes numb and that..", you felt tears threatening to come out, "that.. it gets boring an-and hard after a while", a tear ran down your cheek and you wiped it away with your sleeve.

"I'm sorry", he paused for a minute. "Did your parents ever do anything physical with you?"

".. dad hit me sometimes.. mom screamed a lot but that isn't physical", a few more tears ran down your cheek.

"It's okay to cry. C'mere", the doctor opened his arms and you climbed into his lap. "It's going to be okay, it's not always going to be like this", you started crying against his shoulder. He rubbed circles into your back. Then he started singing something that sounded like a lullaby but in a language you couldn't understand.

You fell asleep comfortably in the doctor's arms.

sorry for this shit show

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