Thunder and truth

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"Goodnight, doctor!", I said and closed myself in my room. We'd been running from aliens the whole day and I just wanted to lay down. I changed into a big red tshirt I took from home and laid in my bed.

I couldn't sleep so I just laid there and listened peacefully to the tardis low humming. I heard the doctor walk around outside in the corridor before going into his room.

I continued to lay there for about half an hour until I heard a loud "BANG!" outside my window. After a while I heard something similar to what rain sounded like on earth.

But it couldn't be rain I thought at first, because we were in space. Then I remembered something the doctor told me about it being possible to rain in space but was called something else. I couldn't remember for my life what so my brain just called it a thunderstorm.

I found it pretty cozy to listen to the thunder. I laid there for about 10 minutes before I heard a knock on my door. I was way too lazy to open it so I just said "come in".

The door opened and the doctor stopped there (which wasn't a surprise. Who else could it have been?). "Hello..", he said after a moment. "Hello?", I answered. "Why are you knocking in the middle of the night?", I asked.

"Ehm.. couldn't sleep", he tilted his head down.

"Me neither", I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"What's keeping you up?", he asked.

"I should be the one asking you that", I chuckled.

".. well... eh-", the doctor shrieked and jumped as another loud BOOM roared across the universe.

"Oh, you're scared of thunder?", I asked.

He nodded shyly.

"Oh come here you ancient alien", I patted the open space on the bed next to me. He stared at it for a while before quickly making it across my room. I held up my blanket and he slipped in under it.

"Oh you're cold", I said and he snuggled up to me. Right after thunder rumbled outside the tardis. The doctor made a little surprised noise and buried his face in my shoulder.

I chuckled and hugged him closer to me. I could have never guessed that he, a 900+ year old alien, would be scared of thunder. I wasn't complaining since it allowed me to cuddle with him.

He shrieked at a particularly loud bang and I hugged him even closer. "Shhh", I whispered while rubbing soothing circles over his back. "It's okay. I'll protect you". He was usually the one saying the protection part I realized.

I continued to hug him and comfort him. He was adorable when he was tired, and that was just what I said. I immediately realized what had accidentally slipped out of my mouth and regretted it.

"Oh shit.. ehh.. I-I.. I'm sor-", my ramblings were cut short by a finger laying over my lips. I looked down at the doctor and saw only love in his brown eyes. My heart melted. His eyes were full blown and staring at me lovingly, while his mouth was in that sweet smile that I always loved seeing.

"Go to sleep, Y/N", he said, sounding tired but still happy.

I pouted as a response and the doctor chuckled. "Stop being so damn cute- I wasn't meant to say that!", he put a hand over his mouth. I laughed a bit.

"Maybe we should check out what is making us say things? If it isn't the tardis", I asked after a while. The doctor didn't answer so I patted him on the head and he looked up. "What do you think, doc?", I asked him.

"That's probably a good idea", he answered. "Though, you're really warm and I would rather stay here, cuddl- we should definitely go look", he stood up, blushing, and walked towards the door, I followed close after.

When we came out of the room a scent hit us in the face like a truck. More than the scent though, I had the urge to say everything that was on my mind.

"Well this doesn't look good", the doctor muttered when we came to the control room.

"What is it, doctor?", I looked around. Everything looked completely normal, except for a slight fog around the room.

"Damn it", he whispered. "Why do you always have to do this?", he asked loudly. "What have  I done?", I asked. "Not you, tardis", he pointed at the control panel. I nodded slowly.

"I know you think this is funny, but I don't", he continued.

"Is it the rain?", I asked.

He nodded. "She lets the fumes of the rain in here. Some people call it honesty rain, some people call it truth rain", he shrugged.

"Fuck me", I groaned.

"I could if you want", the doctor hit hand over his mouth. "I'm so sorry".

I winked at him and his knees seemed to buck a bit, but he didn't fall.

"Thank you", he smiled. "She says that she's gonna clean out the fumes", he whispered in my ear. "We can go back to sleep now".

We walked towards our bedrooms. "What are you doing", I asked as he opened the door to his own room. "You can.. y'know.. do you", I blushed and looked down. "Okay", he said happily and slipped into my room with me.

A smile spread across my face as I laid down, making space for the doctor. He crawled under the blanket. He was really cold, and he cuddled up against me. I hugged him close.

We fell asleep like that, the doctor's head on my chest and my arms hugging him.

im sorry that this one was so short but i just wanted to write something sweet lol. also the "fuck me" isnt sexual, its more "not right now" or "i dont have time for this" lol.

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