Chapter 3

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Elena's POV

We were all seated for dinner and Seb was missing again. I wonder what the actual fuck is wrong with him. Even dad is here and he is not. Another date maybe?

My thoughts were cut off when Seb came in and gave me a blank stare before taking the seat next to mom across from us. He gave no remarks and started eating. Well, now that's new. I turned to look at Bella beside me but she was busy cutting steaks.

"Are you thinking of moving back here anytime?", mom started.

"Not really, I can't find myself to leave the firm and live here" she shrugged.

"Backup miss, last time I checked, you hated law school and were ready to murder your professor, right? You even begged me to help you. What changed?" I exclaimed.

"I guess the tables turn when your father owns the firm and you get paid for arguing that the other person is wrong, which I typically do all the time" Bella stated with a shrug.

"So then, when are you returning back to London?", dad asked for the first time.

"I don't know Mr. Knight, got so some errands to run. Maybe in a week"

"Will you be able to come to the company then? There's something I want your father's advice with"

"Let her be at peace for a while, Hunter" mom put out.

"No its fine, I will be there tomorrow and see what I can do Mr. Knight" she offered with a smile.

Oh yeah, Mr. Woodrow offers advices for the company, it's only natural that Bella does it after him. 

Being lawyer is a lot of work. I could never be one. I always wonder how you can keep yourself from crying when the other person constantly shouts that you are wrong or worse, you lose the case? I start crying when mom refuses ice cream after three tries. Guess you have to be a cold-blooded bitch for that.

The rest of the dinner passed by as Bella and I kept chatting plainly and Seb not sparing anyone any glance except his food. 

"You better gush about the spectacle of that almost non-existent tongue of Mr. Tongue-tied next time we meet girl" Bella mocked getting into her car.

"FUCK OFF" I exclaimed shaking my head, trying hard, maybe not that hard, to push the mental image away from my head. Ugh. this bitch!

I looked at Bella again but her eyes seems to be concentrating on something behind me. I followed her gaze back only to find Sebastian leaning against the doorframe looking at us.

Surprise! He isn't sneaking on us like he did for Marco. But it's still creepy.  

"Addio, Elena" Bella muttered drawing me back with a smile on her face not quite reaching her eyes

"You better know what you are doing and what you really want Bella", I said, "See you" I waved at her as the car drove off into the darkness.

I walked inside hoping to find the over-night turned saint or in this case over-day, only to find him disappeared again.

I opened the door not fully sure if he will be here, but he was. Seb was rummaging through his desk he used to have during school. The room was neat and tidy. He stopped using this when he moved out to his own apartment. Faded posters and pictures hung all around the wall reminding the time that has passed.

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