Chapter 1

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Elena's POV

My heart accelerated so fast that I was scared if Marco could hear it. He placed a hand on my back, guiding me back to the living room. I freeze and turn to look at him, as if he has grown two big heads. But all I could see was calm and collected dark eyes, looking back at mine.  

I turned to see my mother clearing her throat, announcing her presence as she looked at Marco's hand. 

"Dinner is ready" she said with a grin on her face and left.

I closed my eyes desperately wishing that the ground would open up and swallow me. Marco let go of his hand slowly and nodded towards me before heading to the table. I missed the feel of his hand but took a few minutes to collect myself and went to the table. 

Partly hoping to run back to my room and hide. 

Dinner was served and I never once took my eyes from my plate, not wanting to witness my mother's big smile or worse Marco's alluring eyes. 

His eyes , oh god. The reason why I avoid looking at him is his eyes. His unfathomable dark eyes. I could keep starting at it all day. The definition of getting lost in one's eye. How could someone's eyes have so much effect on me? Well, its not someone. Its Marco! 

My mother was having light conversation with Marco but I couldn't stop thinking about what he would have said to Michael.

 What if he was trying to be protective? but the way Jason is? 

What if he still saw me as a little girl and that's why he agreed to take care of me?

 Wait, he literally took me to lunch. So that doesn't mean that he sees me that way.

 Does it? 

My mind was at war and I stuffed food into my mouth finding peace in it.

Dinner was over and Seb was still nowhere seen. He would have probably sneaked out to his date. He is living his life when I am here, struggling to frame full sentences in front of a man whom I have seen all my life.

"Thanks for the dinner, Mrs. Knight", Marco addressed my mother to which she said "Am holding you on your word Marco" with a smile.

Marco returned a nod.

My mom turned to me with the same smile, please not me- "Elena, walk Marco" she ordered and left without a second glance.

I walked him as told, slower than a sluggish snail. He had a hard time matching my steps.  I watched him from the corner of my eyes and his lips curled up into a smile ?  

I wish he smiles more often. I know he doesn't smile, but I want him to smile at me. For me. 

After setting a record for being "The Slowest Knight walker of all time", here came the hard part.  Bidding farewell to Marco when he leaves for Italy would always break my heart, but this time its less heartbreaking. Because I would go and see, more likely,  live  with him in Italy. Still sounds fucking surreal to me.  

"I guess I'll see you in Rome then" he said turning to me.

"Yes! Rome! Italy! " I almost shouted. My voice with a little too much of enthusiasm. 

He stood there, looking at me, like waiting for something. 

 What does he want?  A goodbye hug? 

 But he doesn't like to be hugged. Not that I would even if he wanted.

Marco slowly , is he leaning in ? 

Oh my fucking god!

Is he going to- "LOMBARDI" a voice boomed.

"You didn't leave yet?" Seb asked trying to sound casual as if he didn't shout like a fucking moron a fucking second ago. Where did he even pop up from ? Was he spying on us? JERK. 

Marco didn't reply him instead he turned towards me, "See you Elena" he said with a deep voice, making my knees, legs, toes, nails and literally every inch of my body go weak.

"Bye Marco" I said my voice barely a whisper with a light smile. 

He turned and went leaving my mind and soul a vicious battlefield of emotions. Again.

"What were you doing with him?" Seb questioned.

"Why are you an asshole?" I questioned back.

"That's not the right answer" he pushed.


"Mom, Seb is here and has lipstick stain all over. It seems like he ditched you for his date " I shouted which was immediately followed by her, calling Sebastian out loud.

"Braaat" he rebuked me, taking off.

My mom hates it when someone skips family dinners for dates, which Seb has been doing a lot lately.

I walked back to my room thinking how much I love making Seb the sacrificing lamb for my little peace of mind. Or Jason for that matter.

I changed into my sleepwear and plopped into my bed going through my phone and Oh- Bella  is coming home tomorrow. I haven't seen her like forever. I quickly shoot her a text telling her I will be home all day tomorrow. 

I still have fifteen days until I move to Italy. In a fucking apartment next to Marco fucking Lombardi. 

Is this actually happening? Yes it is.

I wonder if I will see him every day.

Wait, what if he has a girlfriend there? He doesn't. I know it. 

What if I keep stuttering all the time in Italy and he thinks am a fool and starts to hate me?

What would he be doing right now?

Thinking about me ? Of course not. He's got better jobs to do. 

But what if he was? 

What would have happened if Seb didn't interrupt us earlier?

Did he want to kiss me?

Touch and kiss me ?

Zip it Elena , you act like you've never been kissed before. 

But this is MARCO. 

I let out a long sigh

I got up and fished for my super-secret diary that I kept. I used to write everything that I wanted to tell Marco, but never found the courage to show him.

Maybe I should start writing in this again. He did say that he wanted me to speak full sentences to him. So maybe – just maaaybe, there is a 1% of chance that if we do have a regular conversation one day, I would tell him or give him this , I thought flipping through the pages. 

Wow, forget it Elena. You are not going to show your lovesick teenager's version to him and embarrass yourself more. As if you haven't already done enough.

I started writing on it and kept writing for what felt like forever. 


NO! Bella is a new character from my own freakin brain so you can't find her in the old books. And am so excited to introduce her! 

Now, tell me how was the first chapter ? Too fast ? Too slow? Too long? Too short? Too bore? No comments ? Drop in the suggestions if you have any! <3 

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