Chapter 8

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Elena's POV

Marco is shirtless. Marco. Is. Shirtless.

Those abs. Oh my god. I know my eyes look like they are gonna fall off anytime now but I don't really care. Mrs. Lombardi did not give birth to her son, that woman sculpted  him. It takes everything in me to keep my hands to myself, don't blame me, I'm a human with warm-blood after all and I only have little self-control.

When Marco thought it was enough to let me check him out he cleared his throat. I took the sign, even though I can go all night staring at him standing here, he clearly can't. So I peeled my eyes and met his and lord have mercy on me. The face, the jawline, the eyes, oh the eyes and the lips which is currently having a knowing smile. If I die now, I'll be peaceful. I won in life.

"Hey" I said in a breathless voice. Why am I breathless? I don't know.

"Hey Elena" he replied. God why am I finding his voice sexy all of a sudden? I blame it on the hormones.

"I-I was just" I stutter and curse myself before telling him "I came here to say thanks. For the food" I finished, my gaze flying between those dark eyes and his abs.

He nodded slowly, his lips curling up into a smirk like smile.

"Like it?" he asked making my eyes go wide.

"Like what?" I asked heart beating so fucking loud, I think he can hear it.

"The food" he muttered, a lazy grin spreading on his face.

"Oh yes, I-I liked it very much. The food that is." I told him looking everywhere but the human eye candy in front of me.

Marco let out a low whistle and leaned on the doorframe as I turned my concentration back on him from the oddly interesting wall I was staring a while ago. He is close. So close. I can smell his spicy cologne which makes me want to lean in and take a whiff at him no matter how weird that sounds. I don't know why I'm still standing here but I think if I take a step back I will collapse right there and also a part of me doesn't wants this to end. Yes, the same part of me which was too scared of the man in front of me, that she went and hid behind the room and peeked through door hole. Maybe he isn't scary at all. Maybe he isn't scary because he smiled a lot now. Like right now, he's smiling at me and that damned smile has butterflies waging a war in my stomach. He should smile more and I want to tell him that but I also don't want to interrupt this moment with my stutters.

"Do you stay up late?" he asked crossing his arms. 

For fucks sake Elena, please don't stammer, "Yes" I successfully answered.

"What keeps you up?" he asked, curious.

You. You are what keeps me up Marco. But I don't tell him that. 

"Stuffs" I shrug.

"Stuffs like me?" he questioned again, the smile returning.

I look at him like he's grown two large heads, but this is worse than two more heads. Did he just say what I think he did?

"No", I said my cheeks turning red as I looked down. Nice sweatpants Marco. I wonder if he-

"You showed up at my door to say thank you and its clearly late now, so I think I did keep you up Elena" he finished, his eyes dancing with mischief.

He is clearly enjoying this and I clearly can't find my voice to reply him. He chuckles at my speechless state and I can't help but look at his face. Marco is beautiful. If only he was always like this, talking sentences and smiling more. I feel comfortable around this Marco. If I liked him before I don't know what to call my current state of feelings for him.

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