armadylan power up

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The pj masks were just finishing defeating pharaoh boy.

Pharoah boy:curse you pjs I will soon rule this world until the end of time!as he started to leave.

Catboy:another mission done now let's go back to HQ.

Armadylan:hey guys wait up!as they look to the left and seen armadylan running up to them really exhausted.

Owlette:oh how armadylan are you ok?

Armadylan:no..I just had a hard fight with romeo it was really impossible even my powers couldn't help he was taking a breath.

Gekko:oh sorry to hear that big guy do you have like any powers that could have helped you like digging or thunder thump?

Armadylan:I did everything..easy for you pjs you guys just gotten new powers how did you even get them anway?

Gekko:we got them from the pj crystal that's in HQ it gave us these new pwoers and the other like before like...SUPER GEKKO SHIELDS!!!as he showed him his shields.

Armadylan:huh could I use that crystal so I can get some powers.

Owlette:sorry but you can't we don't want nobody to tamper with the crystal.

Armadylan:oh I understand..well I'm gonna he was disappointed.

Catboy:ok then let's go pj masks back to they jumped in the catcar and drive off.

Armadylan:if I'm gonna be a awesome hero I need some pj he looked up in the sky.

*in the daytime*

The pj masks were in the park walking and talking.

Greg:hey guys what's that?as he seen something on the tree as they walk towards it.

Amaya:it looks like a she grabbed it.

Amaya:and its from armadylan he says "pjs help me pharoah boy has taken all my powers away!".

Greg:pharoah boy took armadylan's powers now that can't be good.

Connor:don't worry we'll stop him...PJ MASKS WE'RE ON OUR WAY!!!


Armadylan:I'm glad to see you guys here...I'm feeling really ge was pretending to feel weak.

Gekko:don't worry big guy we'll go and get your powers back you just stay here.

Armadylan:ok...I won't really be much help anyways...

Owlette:don't worry armadylan we'll be back before you could say armadylan style...TO THE OWL-GLIDER!!!as they went in the elevators and hopped into the owl-glider and flew off.

Armadylan:good luck...hey pj robot I have a pj robot turn to him.

Armadylan:you know that pj crystal the pj masks were talking can I see it?

Pj robot:*beeps*(why?...)?...

Armadylan:because I wanna see what it looks like.

Pj robot:*beeps*(ok but don't touch it cause you also have animal powers so I don't know how this would effect armadylan nodded his head yes as pj robot pressed the button as the pj crystal appeared.

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