Chapter One.

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A/N: Uh, hey. Here you go, it's not very good, sorry xD hope you enjoy, leave a comment and vote.....only if you want. Also advice is welcomed ^.^

Enjoy c:

Aleks' POV:

I shivered at the cold air hitting my legs, along with the excitement building up inside me as I waited for my friend.

Eddie should be here now?

Where the fuck was he?

But not a moment later, the man in question burst through the back door with an older and obviously drunk man trailing behind him.

"This him?" Eddie questioned, I advanced forward to the drunken man, examining the male as I did, and grabbed him by the front of his shirt

"Are you Andrew?" I questioned, my voice confident and intimidating. The man titled his head to the side, studying my face

"Allie?...Little Aleksandr?" He asked, his voice taunting and demeaning.

I quickly pulled a knife out of my coat pocket and furiously slashed him across his stomach

"Don't you DARE all me that EVER again" I hissed. "Do you think you /deserve/ to say my name? Huh, you fucking FILTH?!" I continued in a shout, noticing Eddie smile and nod to me before entering the club once again

"A-A-Aleks p-please I never wanted to, I-I-I s-swear! I never would have e-even consider it. I'm sorry!" The man before me pleaded, though it was quite clearly for his life rather than forgiveness. I simply laughed at the pathetic mess before me.

"Now who's the little bitch?" I sneered before shoving the knife into his stomach, twisting it around over and over.

"AARRGGHH!" He screamed in pain, falling to his knees. I got a rag out of my bag, tying it around his head to cover his mouth and effectively cutting off his cries.

Then an idea came to me, I mean, I could kill him now and dispose of his body, but where's the fun in that?

Clutching his left arm, I started sawing through his wrist, his blood pouring everywhere. The man before me pleaded for me to stop. But his pleads were a muffled waste of breath.

After I had disconnected his hand, I left it in the middle of the alleyway, for some unfortunate person to find. But it would also serve as a warning, along with a sign of dominance.

I got my phone out of my left pocket, looking through my contacts and found the man I was looking for, ringing the said number, and he picked up on the second ring.

"Vitalyevich? What do you need?" He asked me, confusion filling his voice.

"Well, I have a thankyou gift for you Stamper, still intact and breathing..." I trailed of.

"Oh, uh, where are you, I'll get Pebbles to come and pick you up?" He asked knowing that I prefered pebbles to the rest of them.

"You know Sly's club?" I asked, and he hummed in acknowledgement.

"Pebbles will be there in fifteen minutes, hold on tight Vitalyevich." He said, I hung up and pulled the man with me out of site.

I raised my fist and punched the man, over and over until he was unconscious and a hell of a mess.

Eddie's POV:

I had left Aleks to his work, honestly i didn't mind that it happened in the back alley, i do not mind at all.

If it makes him happy, It makes me happy.

I stood behind the bar, talking to my barmaid, Natalie.

"S-s-sir look!" She had a scared look on her face, what could have scared her.

Oh great.

"Hello," a man said formerly showing me his fbi badge, "I'm Nova, you're Sly I presume?" He asked me.

I nodded, smiling at him.

"You here for a drink....Nova?" I asked him, praying he wasn't looking for Aleksandr.

"No, I'm looking for a man," pleasepleaseplease not aleks, anyone but Aleks, "Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant, you may know him as only Vitalyevich, or Immortal?" He question.

I shook my head, surprising myself with how calm I was being.

"What does he look like?" I asked him, trying to seem interested.

He raised his arm, a picture of Aleks in his hand.

"oh, thinking about it. I do recognise him, he used come in here quite a lot, but he hasn't been in recently, what did he do?" I asked him, he sighed and let his shoulders fall.

"I cant tell you that, but how about that drink?" He asked me, I smiled brightly before, shouting Natalie over to serve him.

I walked off as quickly as I could, without arousing any suspicion, exciting into the alleyway, I saw aleks was still sat there with the body.

"ALEKS! There's a man in there looking for you, you need to leave and stay away from here!" I told him, he quickly got up before coming over to me, hugging me softly.

"I'll call you when I get a chance," he told me sadly, before a black Mercedes pulled up, Pebbles inside.

"Yo, Aleks, hurry up man!" He yelled.

Aleks dragged the mans body up to the car, and with help from Pebbles, heaved it into the backseats. They got in and after a quick wave, speeded off.

A/N: Woooo, sorry for the short chapter. I'm uploading this on my phone <.< >.> but, enjoy I and comment? Any criticism is welcomed with open arms c:


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