Chapter Three

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A/N: Hey, this is edited, but there might be a few mistakes, point them out if there are any, ye? Anyway, hope you enjoy ^.^

Warnings: Mention of rape.

Aleks' POV:

I sighed, leaving the gloomy house behind. This isn't planned, this wasn't meant to happen. Why?

I walked along the road, staying well away from the roads, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention from passers-by.

I came to a small park, which had a bridge going over fast-flowing river. I crossed over and looked under the bridge, which was littered with cigarette nubs, cans, and quite a few condoms.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust, but I seemingly had no other choice, unless I go bother Eddie, which I am most certainly not going to do.

I sat down on the filthy ground, drawing my legs up to my chest in an attempt to keep it all out, which obviously wasn't going to work.

I don't know how long I sat there, seconds, minutes or even hours, but when i grew conscious of surroundings again, the sun was high in the sky and there was sounds of children's laughter in the air.

I got out from under the bridge groggily, probably looking like a troll or goblin, and got my phone out. 13.56pm. Dang, I had slept longer than I had intended. I pulled my dirty hood up over my head, shielding myself from the sunlight.

Walking around the town, I grew quite paranoid of the hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people running daily errands around me. I knew I was safe, the FBI had yet to release my file into public, but still I worry.

I wondered where to go, supposedly I could just wander the streets of Colorado, until night falls, and sleep under that bridge again, but it didn't seem safe. Even I knew the dangers of the night.

Giving up, I found myself walking begrudgingly towards Sly's club, knowing that he'd be excited to see me so soon. I felt guilty leaving him for months last time, but I had no choice. So this time I promised myself, I would not be leaving him for so long. He is my best friend, and I cant abandon him, /never/ again.

I walked into the club, noticing how full it was, despite it being the middle of the day. Natalie noticed me immediately, smiling brightly at me.

"Hey, Aleks." She said cheerfully, smiling.

"Hey Natalie, is Eddie upstairs?" I asked her, smiling back.

She nodded, and excused herself, as there were customers waiting to be served. I said goodbye, and made my way over to the door which led up to his living area. I used the key he had given me months ago, and made sure to lock it again after me, remembering the last time I left it unlocked.

I walked up the stairs, and opened the door leading to the living room, surprisingly finding it empty.

I carried on, and made my way into the kitchen, finding that empty as well. Well, I suppose he could still be asleep. I went towards his bedroom and knocked on the door, I heard a few curse words before a muffled Eddie answered.

"One minute," he shouted.

Not a minute later, he opened the door, wide-eyed and hair ruffled. But, his eyes widened even more as his eyes met mine.

"Ohh, uh, Michael.....yes of course you can use my shower, I'll come with you and get you a towel," he said calmly, my head filling with confusion. Michael?

He pushed me down the hall, and into the bathroom, turning round to face me, fear written all over his face.

"Aleks!" He whispered in an angry tone "I have a friend in my room, anyway, what are you doing here?!"

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