Chapter Four

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A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates, I've moved house. But they should get more frequent again soon. I've stole my friends computer to write this on aha, he's a faggot. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :3

James' POV:

I opened my eyes groggily for what seemed like the hundredth time this morning, no matter how hard I tried to sleep, tossing and turning relentlessly, but I couldn't seem to escape his face. He looked so..../innocent/. But he's not, he's far from innocent, he's a monster.

I got up out of my bed, the sharp pain in my spine causing me to hunch over. I groaned and tried to breathe deeply. I walked over to my desk, nope, still only a 'V' there, nothing else, a part of me was disappointed, because I wanted to steal his time away, to steal his night away. But the other, smarter part of me knew that, that was absolutely insane. No one should be willing to keep a murderer company.

After the last time, I know that I don't need to involve myself with anybody. No matter how angelic his face is, or how pretty his pale, flawless skin is, or his-

My stomach rumbled loudly, cutting me out of the unusual trance and loosing my train of thought which I'd never admit to being caught up in. I slowly walked through my doorway, across to Seamus' room, which was locked, as always.

I walked slowly downstairs, into the kitchen and opened the fridge, which was almost completely empty, except for some milk, some old yogurts and leftovers from last night. Maybe Seamus has gone shopping? I doubt it though.

I noticed a torn piece of paper on the side, which had messy writing scrawled on it. I put the kettle on quickly, picked up the note and read:

'Ay, it's Sunday if you're wondering, I know you always manage to forget the days for some reason. I've gone to see Eddie again, because yesterday we got interrupted by one of his friends. I think we should do a search on his property tomorrow, just to get him off our radar? Because, I think he's innocent and doesn't need us ruining his business. Anyway, I'll be back at around three. Seeya, Seamus xox'

I sighed loudly, knowing that I'm going to miss his presence, even if I never tell him I enjoy it. He's my best-friend, he always has been and always will be. But, even if I want to protect him forever, he's allowed to have friends, well, maybe even more with Eddie.

Maybe I'll do the shopping online, and then do some research on Vitalyevich, just to find out what I can about him, to be ready for our mission.

I put some Honey-nut Cheerios into a bowl, got the milk out of the fridge and poured it onto my cereal. I then got a green mug out of the cupboard, put it onto the tea-tray and turned the radio on. It was a female reporter speaking confidently:

"The dismembered hand of a local man, Andrew Michigan, was found this morning in an unused alleyway in Colorado. The police are searching the area, but it is believe to be the work of the notorious mass murderer Vit-"

I shut off the radio as quickly as I could, not wanting to hear the woman babble on any longer about something she knows absolutely nothing about. That's all reporters do, talk nonsense.

I grabbed the hot chocolate out of the cupboard and put four heaped scoops into my mug. I picked the kettle up and poured some of the boiling water into my mug, accidentally burning my hard in the process, I put the kettle back and rushed over to the sink.

"SHITSHITSHIT!" I yelled angrily, putting my hand under the cold water, rubbing the spot gently, trying to soothe the stinging skin.

I went back over to my mud, and finished of making the hot chocolate. I picked it up and went into the living room, grabbed the laptop, sat down and ordered the shopping, since we're basically out of food.

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