Chapter Two

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A/N: Here you go, i hope you enjoy, its kinda boring -.- I'm awfully sorry.

Eddie's POV:

As the car sped off, I sighed to myself. The last time this happened, he was away for months. Not one phone call, text or letter. Nothing.

I turned around and admired Aleks' work of art, perfect, as usual. I considered just dumping the hand in the trash, but decided against it. Why shouldn't be be able to bask in his glory?

When I returned to the club, I found Nova and Sea still sat at the bar, both slightly intoxicated.

"C'monnnn Sea!" I saw Nova nudge Sea "Lets go home."

"Noooo," Sea whined "I wanna stay with *hiccup* Sly."

At this moment, I returned to the bar, a point of lager in one hand, and a glass of baileys in the other.

"These're on the house," I told them, smiling, Sea smiled lazily back at me.

"Thank*hiccup*you Mr. Sly. What's your /real/ name?" He asked me, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm Eddie, Eddie Cardona. What's yours?" I asked, giggling at his attempts to keep his eyes on me.

Sea kept blinking slowly, before smiling softly.

"Well, Mr. /Eddie/, my name is Seamus. You do have a nice name Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. I could say it allllll night. I only stayed up /all/ night," He rambled, stroking my face. Mumbling to himself.

"You have a nice face, Ed, Edd and Eddie. If there were three of you that's what I'd call you, haha" he laughed to himself.

"How old are you, Eddie?" He asked me softly, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm 24, how old are you Seamus?" I asked him back.

"I'm 26," He blew a raspberry at me "I'm older than youuuuu!" He taunted, I rose my eyebrows at him, giggling.

"Yeah, well, I'm taller than you!" I retaliated in a childish manner, stick my tongue out at him playfully. He furrowed his brows, before standing up on his barstool, hands on his hips.

"Well, /I'm/ taller than /you/ now" He sung, sticking his tongue back out at me.

I walked forward, grabbing his legs and throwing him over my shoulder spinning him around, again and again. He giggled breathily, smacking my back in an attempt to make me stop.

I started to get dizzy, so I halted then spinning, just in time for Seamus to yell loudly.

"I'M GOING TO BE SICK!" He yelled at me, I rushed him to the nearest bathroom stall, holding his shoulder length hair back as he threw up into the toilet.

When he stood up, I noticed he had gotten a bit of sick on his shirt.

"Do you want to come upstairs, use some mouthwash and borrow a shirt?" I asked him, trying not to sound creepy. He smiled and nodded.

I took him out of the bathroom and to the door which said 'staff only' on it, I unlocked the door and took him up the stairs to my living area. I showed him to the bathroom, before leaving to get him a shirt.

I ran my hands through my hair, sighing softly. I've known this man for a couple of hours and he's already starting to grow on me. Goddammit!

I went to my wardrobe, and got out my 'I don't have a heart, I have an arc-reactor' shirt, before closing it and heading back to him.

I found him sat on my sofa, clutching his stomach.

"Seamus?" I whispered quietly, walking closer to the man "I've got you a fresh shirt." I told him, he looked up at me weakly, smiling slightly, before getting up and taking his current shirt off.

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