Chapter Six

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A/N: Aaaayyyyy, hopefully I'll update at least once a week now, if not every two weeks C: I hope you enjoy :D

James' POV:

I watched timidly as Eddie left our presence, relief coursing through my body. I really, really don't trust that guy, no matter how much Seamus does, he absolutely reeks of trouble. But, if Seamus does like him, I'll at least try to like him, or just pretend I do, for Sea's sake. I started to walk over to my car, assuming that he was following me, but he wasn't. He was just stood over by the front door, with a derpy look on his face.

"Sea? Come on? Get in, we need to go." I shouted to him, getting absolutely no response from him what-so-ever. I huffed, got out of my car and walked quickly towards him. I was practically stood right infront of him when he finally realised that I was stood there.

"I-I need to go and get my phone, I left it in my room. I'll be right back." He muttered quickly, before running back into our house. I sighed, and walked back over to my car, to wait for Seamus.

No more than three minutes later, he reappeared, with my phone, as well as two sandwiches. I looked at him in pure disbelief, but as he held out one too me, my stomach rumbled and I remembered that I hadn't ate since this morning, so who was I too complain.

"Thanks." I muttered, whilst we both sat in my car, eating our sandwiches, which were gone in a couple of minutes.He fastened his seat-belt, and soon enough we were off. We sped down all of the roads, attempting to locate Vitalyevich's old house in the hundreds of identical houses that we were passing. Wee found it eventually, still, after almost four years, the once bright yellow police tape still covered the front door and was also situated around the edges of the garden.

Once we were out of my car, we ducked under the pointless tape ad walked up to the front door, which, for some reason, was unlocked. We walked in and I became overpowered with dust and a disgusting, old, musky smell. It seemed that Seamus noticed it as well, as he covered his nose and mouth with the top of his t-shirt. He walked to the bottom of the stairs and looked over to me.

"Do you want to check upstairs or downstairs?" He asked me.

"I'll do upstairs." I told him, and we both went our separate ways. I made my way up the narrow staircase, which creaked with every single step I took. As I reached the top of the stairs I came to three doors.

I opened the first door, and walked into a pretty plain room, which was obviously his dad's. It was empty, except for a big king-sized bed and two bed-side tables at each side of the bed. In the first table, there were just clothes: boxers, socks and shirts. But in the second one, there were more telling things, such as: Handcuffs, ball-gags, dildos, small whips, cock-rings, butt plugs, a lot more. If I didn't know that he had the audacity to use these on his own FUCKING SON I probably wouldn't be so disgusted, being gay myself. But seriously...his own son. His dad was seriously fucked up. He deserved to die, to be tortured, as Aleks was for so many years. I quickly got out of the room, and turned to the middle door, scared of what horrors may lie inside.

I opened the door, which led to into a fairly large bathroom, it had a bath with a Jacuzzi built in, a toilet, a sink and a cupboard above the sink. Inside the cupboard, there were tweezers, shaving cream, latex gloves, laxatives, Viagra, lube, and anal bleach. His dad was disgusting, revolting, an abomination to mankind.

I left the bathroom, and went into the last room, which I presume, was Aleks' old bedroom. As I walked into the dusty room, the first thing that I noticed was that this room did not look how a teenagers room should look, not at all. It was painted a plain cream, with wooden floorboards, no colours whatsoever.

I opened up his wardrobe and saw a big pile of clothes, I put on some clean latex gloves and pulled the pile out of the wardrobe and onto the floor. I started sorting through the clothes, I soon came to realise that he only had 3 or 4 t-shirts, the pile mainly consisted of stockings, socks, lace underwear, and a few pairs of boxers. I pushed all of the clothes back into the wardrobe and lifted up his mattress, because if I ever needed to hide anything from anyone, that's where I always used to put things. Under his mattress was a small piece of paper, with a scrawled note written on it. It read:

Clothes are just a disguise, what matters is on the inside, the inside is where it hides.

I figured that he had meant the wardrobe, so I went over to it and felt around the edges of the back panel. Something clicked and it slid open, so I got my torch out of my bag and shin it around inside. There was a small hole, maybe 2 meters wide, and long. I shin the torch around again and found a small shoe box, a black book, a blanket and a filthy pillow. I guess this was his safe place, his secret sanctuary. I picked up all of the items and went back into his room, shutting the hidden door behind me .

I placed the four items on the floor and inspected them, before picking them up individually. The first was the small blanket, which looked hand woven, it also had 'My Little Prince' stitched into the corner in red thread. Second was the pillow, there was a small folded up note inside:

'If you're reading this, I presume that I've finally gathered the balls to kill that horrendous monsters, that I had to call dad. Well downstairs, behind the small picture of a lion, there's a keypad. The code is 8464, be prepared ~Aleks'

I smiled softly, he really did want his dad to be brought to justice, but it's way too late now. I picked up the small shoe box and took the lid off. Inside, there was a list of 12 men's names, a picture of his mother and him, a Transformer doll and an old MP3 player. I grimaced, understanding how much he must have missed his mum, there was no doubt that she knitted the small blanket, and brought him the MP3 player and Transformer doll.

Just as I was about to open the black book, which I presume was Aleks' diary, Seamus shouted me loudly from downstairs. I sprinted down the stairs, horrified at the sight before my eyes.

"SEAMUS! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" I yelled, before shutting the glass door between us and the disgusting infestation.

"AHHHH!" A man yelled from inside the room, I looked around frantically before I set my eyes on the bearer of the scream.

He was beautiful, like an angel, so, so beautiful. I need to help him, I need him. But, it just had to be Aleks didn't it. He fell hard to the floor, fainting I think. Without having a second thought, I ran into the infested room, dodging the rats, before I came to what or should I say who I came in for, I lifted Aleks slowly into my arms, and quickly carried him out. Ignoring Seamus' glare, I ran out of the house and over to my car, placing him in my backseat, and put a blanket over him. Seamus huffed, but got into the passengers seat anyway, I was about to get in when I remembered his black book, the box, pillow and blanket. I ran quickly back into the house, to get all of his special things.

I sprinted quickly up the stairs, straight into his old room, grabbed the four things off've the floor and ran back don the stairs and got into my car. I sped back home, hoping that Seamus didn't mind me bringing him back with us. It's just, he's so sweet looking, so vulnerable. I felt as if it was personally my job to look after him, to protect him, to guard him. So I will. Against everything and everyone.

A/N: Hey guys, NovaHD will be picking up in the next couple of chapters >.> <.< Anyway, If you enjoyed this, comment and vote? It means the world to meeeeeee, thank you <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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