Chapter 2: Consequences

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The problems that came with being Admins didn't come immediately. Once the three friends arrived back at their small village, they were hailed as heroes. Numerous people started asking why their skins were a different color, and after hearing about Notch and how he granted their wishes to become Admins, they began begging them to demonstrate their powers. While Romeo was hesitant in dabbling in something that he didn't completely understand, Fred and Xara were more than willing to show off their newfound abilities.

"Ladies and gentlemen!," Fred hollered in a sports announcer's voice. "Are you ready to witness true power?" The massive crowd that accumulated around them cheered loudly. "Alright then!," said Fred, grinning from ear to ear. "Why don't we start off with something small, just to give you a taste of what is to come?" He closed his eyes and concentrated. Then, he vanished in a puff of smoke and reappeared a few blocks away. "Check it out!," he bragged. "I just teleported on my own, and I didn't even have to use an ender pearl." The crowd oohed and aahed, eager to see more. "And if you thought that was impressive, check this out!," said Xara, then clenched her fist and slowly raised it above her head. At the same time, a nearby tree was pulled from the ground and floated into the air. "We can travel anywhere we want AND move objects with our minds!," she said. "What do you guys think of that?"

As the crowd continued watching and cheering at the spectacle that Fred and Xara were putting on, Romeo silently watched from the sidelines, shaking his head in disappointment. He had no idea how those two were able to get used to their powers so easily. So far, Romeo only ever used his powers when flying back to the village with the others, but after that, he had never used them up to now. He didn't trust himself not to accidentally teleport into a structure and suffocate to death, or to accidentally hurt someone with his new superhuman strength and telekinesis. Those idiots don't know what they're doing, he thought bitterly, angry at his friends for being able to enjoy life so easily, and angry at himself for thinking such nasty thoughts. He'd probably melt into a puddle and die if Xara knew what went on in his head.

As for Fred, Romeo couldn't help but feel anger and hatred towards that man. He had felt that way about him longer than he could remember, actually. Although he found Xara annoying from time to time, he never felt an ounce of hatred towards her like how he felt about Fred. Xara was just...mentally challenged. That was hardly her fault.

Romeo had always felt a deep dislike for Fred, even before they became "friends." Fred was always the popular one, the boastful one, the one who always had to be in the spotlight. His dislike towards him only grew when Fred decided to leave behind the victims that Notch had turned into statues. For all his talk about saving people and bringing good to the world, Fred sure was adamant on leaving those people to their fate. Xara left too, but at least she was clearly upset about it. Romeo almost hoped Notch had decided to petrify Fred as well. He sighed angrily, trying to hide his emotions before they showed on his face. He didn't need anyone to see him stewing in silence and ask him what was wrong.

"And for our next demonstration," Fred announced proudly, "we'll need our good friend, Romeo, to assist us. Uh...Romeo? Romeo? Hey, where did he go?" Aw, shit, Romeo thought, wincing when he saw Fred and Xara trying to spot him in the crowd. Performing in front of all these people like a circus monkey was NOT what he needed today. He discreetly pushed through the crowd as stealthily as he could, hoping not to be seen. Maybe I should head to the town library, he thought. At least books aren't as stupid as people.

Unfortunately for Romeo, he HAD been spotted. Fred was able to see him stepping out of the crowd and heading to the library. "Hey, Xara," he said. "Why don't you keep the crowd busy for me? I'm gonna see what Romeo's up to." "Sure thing, el capitan!," said Xara, saluting. Fred chuckled and flew over the crowd, stopping in front of the library. He went inside, which was completely empty. That wasn't so surprising, since not only was the library unpopular to begin with, but pretty much everyone in the village was being entertained by Xara.

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