Chapter 3: Birth

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Dear Xara, if you're reading this, I'm already gone. I hid this in the one place I knew you would look for it. Fitting the key to ending all this would be here...where it all started. This is the key to defeating Romeo...#potato451. Take this word of passage and use it at the primary terminal. You can take away his power and end this.

I just wish that Romeo took the news better. He was always the sensitive one. Though I suppose it's our fault for hiding your pregnancy from him. He must have felt betrayed by us. I guess he just couldn't stand the thought of us giving up our powers so we could raise our child together. But you know Romeo. He loves being an Admin and would die before parting with his powers. Xara, you and I both know that by becoming mortals again, we would leave Romeo behind as the only Admin left. Romeo knew that too and blamed our child for tearing us apart. Even now, I can't believe that he would want to kill our unborn baby just so we would never have to leave him. Just the thought itself is too horrible to bear.

Despite everything that happened, I still have hope for Romeo. He just wanted us to stay together...more than anything. I know that's why he's doing this. Maybe I'm being foolish, but I need to know for sure before taking this step. Though I guess if you're here, I got my answer. Maybe someday we'll be together again. My only regret, however, is that I'll never see our baby daughter again. Your friend, always...Fred.

After signing his name, Fred closed the journal with a heavy sigh, then hid it in a chest under Xara's bed. If he had his way, then what he just wrote in the journal would never happen. Unfortunately, the eerie possibility of it was growing more certain with each passing year. Ever since that incident in their home village, their relationship was never the same again. Fred himself had grown much more wise and cautious over the past few thousand years, while Xara had lost her lovable innocence, transforming into a cold and cynical person, though that never stopped Fred from falling in love with her. Romeo may as well have become a dangerous stranger to them. To this day, Fred still kicked himself for climbing up that mountain with his friends. Being Admins had caused them nothing but untold pain and suffering.

After putting Xara's bed back in its place, Fred looked around to make sure that no one else was around - he could never be too sure - and took something out of his inventory. It was a weapon that he had spent five hundred years working on in secret. The weapon was a golden gauntlet, similar to the prismarine one that Romeo was so fond of, but this one was much more powerful, since it had the ability to take away an Admin's powers. Fred had spent countless years researching all he could about Admins and figured out a way to weaken them and revert them back into their human forms. He quickly put it back in his inventory and teleported out of their cabin, careful not to be seen. The last thing he needed was for Romeo to find out about it, which would definitely be the last straw for the already unhinged Admin.

Fred ended up teleporting into the Terminal, an alternate dimension created by him, Romeo, and Xara. Then, after entering the code by placing three rows of blocks, as well as using a potato as the key, he managed to unlock a small pedestal rising from the floor. The pedestal had a small hole in it, which was the perfect size for the golden gauntlet. Glancing around to make sure he was truly alone, Fred placed the gauntlet into the pedestal, which proved to be a perfect fit. Good. And now for the recording.

With a wave of his hand, Fred created a tripod camera out of thin air and placed it in front of him. Then, he turned the camera on and cleared his throat. "Xara...hi. If you're seeing this recording... Well I guess the worst has happened, and you just put the word of Passage into the Primary Terminal. I wish the Terminal could just take away Romeo's Admin'd be easier that way...but making this gauntlet was the best I could do. Put your hand into the pedestal to receive the gauntlet. It's got the power to make Romeo...normal again. It might take a few hits to remove his powers away entirely... But it'll get the job done. Do you understand? Then good luck, Xara. You're... I think you might need it. Take good care of our baby girl, alright?" With the recording finished, Fred turned off the camera and took out the drive that had the recording in it, then attached it to the pedestal, which lowered itself back into the ground. Then, he made the camera vanish with a wave of his hand. "Alright, now that that's over with, it's time for me to--" "Fred?," said a voice, causing Fred to slightly jump.

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