Chapter 6: Tragedy

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After the incident with Ivor, Soren went back to his fortress, believing it was best to be away from the rest of the Order for a while. Studying endermen used to be a favorite pastime of his, but now, he just wasn't in the mood. Soren was grateful that he had the foreknowledge to bring the command block with him to the End, otherwise...he shuddered to even think about what could have happened. What a mess, he thought, absentmindedly counting the number of items he gained from his mob grinder. Things were never going to be the same again.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder, causing him to spin around and scream in fear. "Soren, it's me!," said Ramus, who was also frightened by his outburst. "Ah, Ramus," Soren sighed. "I'm sorry that I didn't notice you coming. Is there something you need?" "Well...kind of," said Ramus. "By the way, how is your nose?" "Oh, it's healing up just fine," Soren responded, tapping on his bandaged nose. "It should heal up in a few days or so."

"That's good to hear," said Ramus. "Listen..." There was an awkward silence. "...I'm about to ask something of you that may seem a little sudden. You don't have to accept it if you don't want to." "Ramus, is something the matter?," Soren asked worriedly.

"Oh, yes, everything's fine," Ramus assured him. "I'm just a little...nervous right now. I'm not sure how you're going to react to this..." "Perhaps it's better that you tell me now and get it over with," said Soren. "Whatever you want to say really seems to be eating you up."

"A little bit. Sorry," Ramus apologized again. "It's's only been a few days since your falling out with the rest of the Order, and I didn't want to spring this onto you so soon." "You don't have to be so nervous," said Soren. "Just tell me what you need." Ramus nodded and took a deep breath. "Soren...would you like to be Lucy's godfather?" Out of all the things that Ramus could've asked him for, this was definitely NOT what Soren had in mind.

Finally, Soren found his voice. "You...want be her godfather?," he asked, scarcely believing the words coming out of his mouth. "Yes, that's what I said," said Ramus. "Though I understand if you're not ready for that responsibility just yet." "I-it's not that," said Soren. "It's just...why on earth would you make ME her godfather? Surely you could've asked any other member of the Order instead of me." "I did consider them," Ramus admitted, "but I still believe that you're the best candidate. Let me explain." He cleared his throat. "I've recently realized that I can't take care of Lucy on my own. At least, not as her only parent." Lucy still had Isa as a mother, but of course, Ramus didn't mention her. "After leaving the End, I took her to the library and scolded her. But after she talked back, I...lost my temper and slapped her."

Soren stared at Ramus with wide eyes. "You slapped her?," he asked incredulously. The very idea that a man as gentle as Ramus would slap his own daughter was shocking, but when he thought about it, he felt that he would've done the same thing in Ramus' shoes. Following them to the End really was incredibly stupid of Lucy. Ramus nodded sadly. "Yes, I did," he said. "While I regret physically hurting her, I DON'T regret telling her off for her actions. Still, I only ended up making things worse. That's why I need someone else to take care of her when I'm not around or when I'm not being myself. I need a pair of helping hands. Namely, yours."

"I suppose that explains some of it," said Soren, letting it all sink in. "But still...why me of all people? Didn't everyone tell you?" "That you were a fraud?," said Ramus, causing Soren to wince. "Yes, they did. They're still a little upset with you, but I'm sure it will pass." "Aren't you upset?," asked Soren. "I was at first," Ramus admitted. "But you still have our best interests at heart, I'm sure. I know you care for us, even if you can be a little bit...difficult. That's also one of the reasons why I chose you to be Lucy's godfather." At that point, Soren took out a bottle of water and began drinking from it. All this sudden drama was making him thirsty.

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