Chapter 1

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"Why is it so bright?" Becky's voice was garbled as if she were trying to speak underwater, but in reality it was because she had her face pressed to Seth's chest. "And loud?"

Seth pulled the blanket down a bit, knowing Becky didn't like to be cold, but that just made her snuggle closer to him. "The brightness is the sun," he laughed, running a hand up and down her back, "and that infernal racket, as Regal would say, is your alarm. You have a morning meeting, remember?"

From the outside, it looked like domestic bliss, though perhaps a more modern version: a balcony jutting off of a London loft rather than a picket fence, a gourmet coffee machine instead of a state-of-the-art oven, tablets in almost every room in place of a single huge television. The loft was a rental and they weren't technically living together: Becky was still officially Finn's second in command and a key member of his pack, while Seth was listed only as a temporary worker while he helped train wrestlers for NXT UK. But Seth lived there full-time at the moment and Becky was there more often than not, and even though they weren't even officially saying they were dating, Seth thought it was one of the most solid relationships he'd had. He wasn't sure what that said about him.

Becky moved just enough to grab her phone from the nightstand and silence her alarm, then promptly cuddled back up against Seth. "There. That's dealt with. You can take care of the sun."

Seth pushed the sheets down further, then kicked them until the blankets were down by their knees. "C'mon. Up and at 'em, or whatever they say."

"I heard up...." Becky slid a hand down his chest, slowing once she passed his belly button.

"Nope." When Becky pouted, Seth could only laugh. "Trust me, it's not the answer I'd expect coming out of my mouth either, but I'm not going to be responsible for you missing your meeting, especially since it's with Dean—Jon. With Jon." Wrestlers changed names all the time when they switched companies, but it was taking Seth a bit longer to adjust to his Shield brother's new moniker.

Seth tried to keep his expression neutral, but Becky clearly saw something in his eyes because she sat up. "You know I'd bring you if I could, but he asked for a one-on-one meeting. It's not an unreasonable request, so I didn't push it," she added, "but I can ask if he'd be open to—"

"No. Don't. It's okay." Seth made himself smile as he pulled Becky back down to him. "If he wants his space, I respect that. I mean, it'll be a bit more difficult when the full moon comes around, because there are only so many sanctioned places for us to run, but even there, I won't stalk him. Just... tell him I hope he's doing well and I wish him and Renee the best of luck with the baby." He let his head flop back against the pillow. "I can't even remember how far along she is."

"I'll ask." When Seth shot her a warning look, Becky moved up to kiss him. "Getting a pregnant woman a gift for her baby is hardly bribery. I won't go buying them some ridiculous thousand-dollar cradle or anything like that. I'll just get some cute onesies or something."

Seth glanced up at the window. He hadn't looked at a clock yet, but it seemed pretty early in the morning. "You're still meeting him at Violent Delights, right? Isn't this a bit early for a fight club to be open?" he asked. He would have felt safer if Becky was conducting her meetings at a more neutral place, but a lot of the werewolves she was interviewing were fighters, so it made sense to meet them on familiar territory. "Want a ride?"

Becky grinned wickedly and straddled him. "Glad you changed your mind."

"Not what I meant and you know it." They tumbled playfully across the bed, Seth saving Becky from falling over the side. When he finally managed to pin her down, they were both laughing and breathing hard. In his opinion, it was easily the best part of having a werewolf for a partner, being able to play a bit rough and not worry about anyone getting hurt. "What time do you have to be there?"

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