Chapter 4

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When Jon had said he was 'slightly allergic' to WWE, Becky figured it was just a figure of speech, but he actually hissed at the NXT UK logo when they drove past. Renee chided him, of course, but Becky could understand the instinct. Given what she went through at WWE, she wasn't a big fan either. But she still had friends within the company on both sides of the pond—and then there was Seth. Talk about star-crossed, she thought as she said her goodbyes to Jon and Renee, waving as they pulled back into traffic. She thought the meeting had gone fairly well, but she wasn't sure; some people were harder to read than others, and Jon Moxley was definitely one of them.

She thought about calling Seth or looking in the NXT UK parking lot to see if his car was there, but decided against both. Surprises are good too, Becky thought as she walked down the street towards their favourite cafe. She still felt bad that Seth hadn't hada chance to talk to Jon, though it had been out of her control, and she knew no pastry or coffee could make things better, but maybe it would at least brighten Seth's afternoon a bit. Training sessions could get intense, so she didn't want to get him anything too heavy. "No chocolate mint macarons?" the clerk asked with surprise as she placed her order. Becky was fast becoming a regular. The bakers had even gotten into the habit of making an extra batch of her beloved macarons every Friday so she could stock up for the weekend.

"Nah, not today. My guy's not a fan and he's had a rough morning," Becky replied, "so I'll wait until tomorrow. Can I get the peach passion fruit ones, please? Those look incredible."

"Coming right up. Everything will be boxed for you at the end of the counter," the clerk replied.

My guy? Becky thought to herself as she stepped out of the way so the next customer could be served. Just say 'boyfriend' next time, you dope. The problem with saying it out loud, though, even if it was to a stranger like a cafe clerk, was that it started to sound real, and Becky wasn't sure how real they were. Seth had been supportive of all her pack-building meetings and obligations, but rarely asked if there would be a spot for him. Sometimes she would catch him saying we instead of you, and then he would quickly correct himself. As soon as her order was ready, Becky hurried over to the pick-up counter and stacked the drink tray on top of the pastry box. "Thanks!" she called out. "Have a great day!" Then she thanked the customer who held the door for her since her hands were full, and she stepped out onto the sidewalk.

She hadn't spent this long in a city since joining Finn's pack, and Becky was surprised by how quickly the rhythms of an urban space came back to her. She could edge around slower pedestrians with ease, and she knew the general time limits of the walk lights, so she could gauge whether she would be able to make it across the street at a run or if it would be better to wait. She decided to wait until the next light when she saw a bus barrelling towards the intersection. The good thing about surprises, she thought as she waited for the next walk light, is that the recipient doesn't know they're late unless you tell them.

The walk to NXT UK headquarters was short, but it gave Becky enough time in the fresh air to clear her head. Talking with Jon and Renee had been oddly refreshing, but also a bit daunting. On one hand, she could admire their closeness, but was she ready for the same? Raising a child—one who could potentially be a werewolf—was tough work, and even more dangerous when you were a werewolf too. They had to learn to keep secrets at a very early age and, because kids were naturally curious, many of them couldn't. Most modern humans chalked up claims of lycanthropy to overactive imaginations or something a kid saw on TV, but you could never be too careful. Supernatural hunters heard the same rumours she did, after all.

Becky didn't even make it to the staff entrance before someone had the door open. Veruska, the young intern, held the door open for her and stepped back. "Hi, Becky! How are you?"

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