Chapter 9

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The next day after breakfast Percy, Rigel, and Cassiopeia took a Portkey to Grimmauld place and then Flooed to Diagon Alley. The passers-by whispered as they walked along the street towards Gringotts. Several people shot their nasty looks, and an old harpy actually came up to him and started yelling before Cassiopeia blasted her out of the way with a flick of her wand. The sudden protests were deafening.

'Self-defence,' Cassiopeia snarled at the angry crowd. 'Next time I shan't be so gentle.' The crowd reluctantly backed away.

After taking a respectable amount of galleons from the Black and Malfoy vaults respectively, the trio had set of straight to Ollivander's where Cassiopeia can teach them the practical aspects of magic. 

They arrived at Ollivander's without further incident, and the elderly wandmaker greeted them profusely.

'Ah, Miss Black, it is a delight to see you,' he said, bowing. 'Black walnut, 12 inches, dragon heartstring, as I recall. Quite rigid. Is there anything I can do for you?' he asked politely.

'Yes, in fact,' said Cassiopeia nonchalantly. 'We're also here to buy wands for my great-grandnephew and his cousin.'

Ollivander furrowed his brow. 'Are the boys eleven yet, Mr. Black?'

'Not yet,' she said unfazed.

'This is a most unusual request,' Ollivander began but stopped at Cassiopeia's death glare. 'One I am sure we can accommodate.'

He looked for Rigel's wand first, and it didn't take long before the blond boy was matched up with a ten-inch Alder wand with a dragon heartstring. Then Ollivander began to look for Percy's wand. It took a very long time, and they went through half the wands in the store, with the old wandmaker growing ever more excited as they failed to make a match. Finally, he handed Percy an eleven and half-inch Alder wand.

'Try this,' he said eagerly.

Percy took the wand and instantly knew this was the right choice. Sparks flew and Ollivander applauded.

'Very interesting, Mr. Black,' he said thoughtfully. 'Very interesting, indeed.'

'What's interesting?' Cassiopeia demanded.

'You, see, madam,' Ollivander explained, 'This is not a wand I would usually produce. Unlike many, this alder wand had two cores and while dual cores aren't rare, this one is. The wand has a dual-core of the heartstring of a Sea dragon and the hair of an Aethonan winged horse. The story is interesting you see. Years ago when I just inherited the store, a man in his late fifties came to my store. He presented me with this wand saying that one day a very special child would come in need of it. I do believe that this child is you. Never before have I seen such a display of accidental magic before. Not even Dumbledore displayed so much power as a child."

Ollivanders grey eyes fixed into Percy's stormy green. "No doubt you will be a great wizard Mr. Black."

Tonks and Rigel ended up playing one-on-one Quidditch that afternoon, as everyone else was fawning over Percy and his new wand. Cassiopeia retold the story over and over again, and even Lucius didn't seem able to pull himself away. Arcturus, Cygnus, and Pollux were ecstatic. When Tonks and Rigel had finished playing and began to head back in, the fuss had yet to subside.

'Poor Percy,' Tonks said to Rigel as they watched Percy through the window. 'He looks miserable in there.'

'I don't know why,' Rigel replied. 'He should be used to all the attention by now.'

'I think he'd rather be out here playing Quidditch with us.'

Rigel rolled his eyes. 'Of course, he would. That's what's so frustrating.'

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