Chapter 14

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The rest of Percy's holiday was peaceful, even relaxing. He spent the next few days enjoying his Christmas gifts. He had new custom-made dragon hide quidditch gloves from Rigel and a new wand holster from Tonks. A shield from his mates at camp half-blood, a book about Greek mythology from Annabeth. Aunt Narcissa gave him brand new day robes that she said: "brought out his eyes" Rigel had given him a new polishing set for his broom and Andromeda and Narcissa sent him a batch of blue mince pies.

But enough talk about presents, currently Percy was preparing his trip back to Hogwarts and his cabin looked like a mess. He was about t pick up a broom when he remembered that magic existed.

"Mundare" Percy muttered and smirked as the cabin started to tidy itself up. He had to thank Aunt Dromeda for teaching him those charms.


"Well boys we're back again," Percy said, unpacking his stuff in their room.

"Thanks for the quaffle Perce how did you even find it? That thing must've cost a lot" Rigel asked about the quaffle Percy sent which was signed by Edric Vosper

"hmm? oh, It was nothing really" Percy replied smirking, slightly.

Shortly before the end of the Easter holidays, another notice on the board, which read:


All fifth years will be required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during the first week of the Summer Term, in which they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future careers. Times of individual appointments are listed below.

"Healing's not that bad," said Coralie on the last evening of the holidays. She was immersed in a leaflet that carried the crossed bone and wand emblem of St. Mungos on its front. "It says here you need at least an E at N.E.W.T. level in Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Not bad"

"I think I'll pass," Rigel said. "Ohh Muggle relations sounds interesting."

"And when you join that's the same day your parents will kick you out." Percy joked earning two giggles and a scowl from Rigel. "What about you Diana?"

"Maybe curse breaker." Diana shrugged looking through a pamphlet on Wizard banking. "Although healing sounds nice."

"Maybe I should join the department of mysteries," Percy said going through a pamphlet that said Learn the secrets of Magic through the department of Mysteries. "They're like the magical version of MI6 right?"

All three of his friends looked at him blankly. Rigel was the first to speak. "What's MI6?"

Percy's face palmed.

Percy was the first person to be called into Snape's office. As usual, the office was a gloomy and dimly lit room found in the school dungeons. The shadowy walls were lined with shelves of large glass jars filled with slimy, revolting things, such as bits of animals and plants, floating in potions of varying colors.

"Mr. Black." Snape drawled in a boring voice. His hands shook slightly as he shuffled the many pamphlets littering his desk. "Sit down."

"As you know," Snape spoke. "This meeting is to talk over any career ideas you mighthave, and to help you decide which subjects you should continue into your N.E.W.T years," said Professor Snape. "Have you hadany thoughts about what you would like to do after you leaveHogwarts?"

"Well umm..." Percy started clearing his throat. "I don't want to be stuck in a desk job."

"Clearly." Snape drawled rolling his eyes. "Any careers you have thought off?"

"Well, I thought being a Hogwarts professor sounded interesting." Percy shrugged

Snape for the briefest moment seemed visibly surprised until he regained his cold demeanor. "I see. I assume it is the defence against the dark arts Job?"

"Actually, to be honest, I wanted to take transfiguration." Percy shrugged "But yeah DADA sounds good."

"I see," Snape said. "Well for the Defense against the dark arts job, you need top grades and you're averaging an 'O' so at this rate you may apply though due to the er... curse, have you thought of any other jobs."

"Well my cousin Nymphadora says that I might be a good auror," Percy said the first thing that came into his mind. 

"Clearly," Snape spoke in a dry voice holding back a sneer. "Now to become an Auror, you need top grades at Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfigurations, and especially potions. Poisons and antidotes are essential studies for Aurors. And I must tell you that I absolutely refuse to take students who get anything other than 'Outstanding' in theirO.W.L.s. Which you seem to be doing great in all... you sure know how to handle your wand, Black."

Percy shrugged. 

"You also need a minimum of five O.W.L.s for the auror office" Snape continued. "You have a guaranteed four O.W.L.s but you need one more. But with history of magic, Herbology and ancient runes, however..." Snape made a grim face before shaking his head. 

Percy was terrible at them all, and he knew it. So trying to distract Snape from looking down at his grades, he quickly said, "I've been thinking about becoming an unspeakable."

"An unspeakable." Snape's head shot up. "That might suit you but like the auror department, you need top grades especially and it also depends on the department. "

Snape closed the files. "But considering your grades... are you quite sure an unspeakable is the right path for you? Of course, it is a respective job but needs more O.W.L.s than that of an auror. But I think I agree with Nymphadora; Auror will suit you perfectly, Mr. Black."

Percy sighed. "I need more time to think about this, Professor."

"Well, you better hurry up," he said sternly. "The year will come to an end faster than you will expect."

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