Chapter 36

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Percy yawned as he woke up, he looked around and found that he wasn't waking up in the Slytherin room, or his room at the Tonks family house. No, he was in Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, in a bedroom that he had been told belonged to his deceased mother. He had moved in days prior alongside Diana and had to suffer the screams of his late grandmother, Walburga Black until he had enough of her and in the second day silenced her voice which made the other portraits more than happy.

There was also a slight renovation done by the Hephaestus cabin. He had added a few muggle appliances (Something the portraits were not pleased with) and an armory for demigods if they crashed. He had turned an old smoking room into a dog room for Mrs o Leary.)

He had managed to get in as a Madam Bones Personal secretary. While he had found the department of Mysteries, it was too secretive and so he shifted to the DMLE. Diana ha started undergoing Healing training while Rigel had started off as a reserve for the Ballycastle bats while Coraline was working for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

While he and Diana were visiting the Tonks for Sunday dinners, a black owl flew in with a letter attached to its leg.

"Thank you, owl," Tonks said as she took the letter. "Oh, it's from Sirius." She said before she opened it. Her eyes widened as she read it. "Oh," She breathed out once she had finished. "um...does anyone want to go to the world cup?" She asked as she looked around.

"The football world cup," Ted said in a hopeful voice. 

"Dad, nobody here likes football," Tonks told him with a roll of her eyes

"That's not true." Ted protested.

"It's boring," Andromeda said in an apologetic voice.

"I prefer quidditch," Diana said. "Ad I do not know what football is."

"I prefer the Champions League," Percy said fist-bumping a relieved Ted. "Though I think Ajax might win this year."

"Anyway," Tonks continued before Ted could respond. "Sirius got some tickets to the quidditch world cup, he wants to know if we all want to go."

"Those tickets must have been expensive." Andromeda frowned, worrying about if Sirius or Jenna had just decided to spend a lot of money on tickets. 

"He got them for free," Tonks said as Percy leaned over and looked at the letter. "They're basically trying to suck up to him to make up for know...years of wrongful imprisonment in a prison full of dementors.

"So...we're going...right?" Percy asked, looking hopeful. "Because we didn't go last time."

"Dont remind me of that." Andromeda signed remembering Percy's disappointment when he didn't get to watch the 1990 world cup. "And...stop looking at me like that...please."

"Do it," Tonks whispered to Percy who nodded before turning into his wolf form and giving him the best puppy dog eyes. Even Mrs. O leary was giving her the best puppy eyes. 

"Well, that's just not fair." Andromeda protested. "Fine," She sighed as she had kneeled down and hugged the two canines. "We can go."

Percy grinned by licking his aunt. 

His aunt was not pleased.

"So, how are we getting there?" Percy asked on the day of the quidditch world cup. He and everyone had gotten ready and they were now ready to leave. All of them had worn muggle clothes and Percy was disappointed that Diana couldn't come because her mother was sick.

He wore a green shirt, blue jeans, and white reeboks which was selected by Andromeda who thought he looked dashing. 

"We're going to apparate you since you're got your license," Andromeda told him. She wore a red blouse and jeans

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