Chapter 35

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It was the hardest ever yet to pack this time for the seventh year, knowing that there was no returning back to Hogwarts after this year. 

When it was time for them to finally leave and board the train back to King's Cross station, the seventh years were asked to go by the Black Lake for their traditional graduation ceremony, where they went back to the train by the same boats that got them to Hogwarts on their first year.

Just like their first year, Percy got into one of the boats along with Diana, Rigel, and Coraline. Hagrid was sat on a singular boat at the front of them all, leading the way as the boats magically floated onwards.

Jenna turned to look over her shoulder for a last glimpse at Hogwarts, a sad smile being planted on her lips. But as Dumbledore had once said, "Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."

As he glanced back at the magnificent castle, he thought back at all the memories he had there throughout those seven years. his first monster attack, first kiss, Diana, healing him after a Hellhound mauled him badly. 

How he and Rigel were once the worst pranksters since the marauders until they got bored of pranks and passed the mantle to the Weasley twins. 

"I'm not sure if I can say goodbye to this place," Coraline said with a sad smile as they were midway through the lake.

"Can you imagine many years from now our kids would be attending this school?" Diana asked glancing back at Hogwarts with a smile.

Before they knew it, they came to the end of the lake and boarded the Hogwarts Express for the last time, going back to King's Cross station.

This time, their goodbye took longer than ever, even though they knew they were going to see each other soon. With that, they all departed to meet their parents/ guardians.

He had met Sirius Black and Jenna Potter and with Harry, they were going to move to Potter manor the home of the Potter family and while Sirius did offer that Percy can come, he had politely declined and instead decided that he and Diana would move into Grimmauld place. Andromeda was slightly disappointed but accepted that Percy was growing up.  

Aldo Sirius had to Percy's surprise rejected the Lordship as in his words wanted nothing to do with his family and instead acted the regent for the Potter house. This had shocked Percy and instead pulled Sirius into a hug.  

"Nervous," Diana asked quietly

"About what?" Percy asked with a frown

"Telling my parents that I'm going to move in with you."

"Gee thanks for reminding me."

Diana giggled. "Mum would be fine with it, I'm sure of it. The problem is Dad and Gareth. It's them we have to persuade."


At the Greengrass manor, Percy and Diana would turn to glance sideways at each other, not sure when was the right time to announce their decision.

But at last, knowing that it was now or never, Diana finally her throat, getting their attention. "I — I wanted to tell you guys something."

Cyrus Greengrass turned to look between her and Percy sharply with a suspicious raised brow. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

"What? No!"

"Oh, thank Salazar." Mr. Greengrass sighed in relief.

"I was actually thinking of moving in with Percy into Grimmauld place," Diana finally blurted out.

An awkward silence fell among them as Cyrus, Roxanne, and Gareth turned to stare at her with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" Cyrus said slowly. 

"You can't tell her anything, Cyrus," said Mrs. Greengras, while Gareth, Diana's older brother remained quiet, still in denial. "She's of age, and she's out of school."

"I didn't say anything." Mr. Greengrass raised his hands up defensively. "But I do think we should take votes. Those in favor that they don't move in together because they're still too young?"

Mr. Greengrass was the only one who raised his hand.

"Fine." Mr. Greengrass said ignoring his wife's smug face. "I suppose, you can move in with Black."

"Wait really?" Diana asked. "Just like that?"

"Sure, you're all adults now, as you said." Mr. Greengrass shrugged. "Also, Roxy here looks like she would murder me if I protested any longer."

"Thank you!" Diana squealed kissing her father's cheeks and hugging him. Mr Greengrass chuckled and hugged his daughter.

"Listen, Black," Gareth said looking at Percy dangerously. "Any funny business and I'll make sure the Black family line won't carry one. understood?"

Percy rapidly nodded.

WELL guess the pre-written chapters are over. Now, this will take heck lot of time so if anyone is interested, yo can continue the story

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