Chapter 10

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On September 1, the Tonks residence place bustled as it never had before. It was agreed that that the family would assemble at Kings cross that morning before walking to the station. Lucius, Narcissa, Rigel, and Draco Flooed over from Malfoy Manor, all dressed impeccably in the very elegant Muggle clothes Andromeda had helpfully purchased for the occasion, whilst Dobby Apparated over with Rigel's trunk and owl.

'Are you excited?' Percy asked the blond boy, who seemed to be restraining himself from bouncing up and down only with the greatest of difficulty.

Rigel nodded vigorously. 'I can hardly wait.'

Cygnus, Druella, Irma, and Pollux Apparated over from number twelve, Grimmauld Place, and the Black manor a few moments later. Both couples wore old dresses that had no doubt been highly fashionable in elite circles in the 1930s, but which now would seem hardly less exotic than robes to Muggle eyes. While Arcturus and Melania were the closest to the 80s dressed up in a grey suit while Melania wore a simple blouse and skirt.

Cassiopeia too came dressed in dark clothes her hair in a tight bun. She looked like she was attending a funeral more than visiting her great-grandchildren.

'What's that, Kreacher?' Percy asked the Black's old house-elf midget pointing to two plastic boxes.

'It's just a snack, Master Perseus,' he explained. 'A bit of something to tide over the young masters on the train. A nice steak-and-kidney pie, several kinds of sandwiches, sausage rolls, grapes, apples and a Black Forest gateau, not to mention a few other titbits, and the butterbeer, of course.'

Rigel grinned at Percy. 'Isn't he wonderful?' he said.

"He is," Percy replied. "Thank you elf."

Kreacher looked like he would faint at the compliment.

'Take the young masters' things to the station in about fifteen minutes, Kreacher,' Arcturus commanded. 'Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. We shall meet you there.'

'I don't understand why we can't go in carriages,' Irma complained. 'Walking all this way gives me blisters.'

'Then why didn't you stay home?' Cassiopeia shot back.

'We could have taken cars mother,' Cygnus suggested cheekily.

'I shouldn't be caught dead in one of those horrid Muggle death traps,' Irma snapped.

'Do you even know how to drive, Cygnus?' Arcturus asked with a raised eyebrow.

'Never mind.' Cygnus coughed and ignored his uncle's smug face. 'Anyway father, what do you think of the Wimbourne Wasps this year?"

Pollux launched into a lengthy and excruciatingly detailed discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the Wasps' players. Percy and Rigel were relieved at the opportunity to be able to join in the conversation. It was always so boring when the adults reminisced about their glory days.

After a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the station and made their way to the platform. They had attracted stares amongst the Muggles - even Muggle clothes can be conspicuous, especially when they are hand-tailored and worth thousands of pounds - but once they reached the platform the whispering started up in earnest.

'Look over there! That's the Black family,' said one dumpy witch, pointing out to her neighbor.

'I heard Pollux Black was high up with Grindelwald!' opined one portly wizard.

'He's one of the richest wizards in Britain, you know. Bribed himself out of the Ministry to get out of Azkaban,' said a stern-looking woman.

It did not take long at all before Percy drew their attention as well.

Perseus Alphard BlackWhere stories live. Discover now