Chapter 33

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"W...w...what?" Ron blinked as he looked back and forth between Harry and the now unconscious man on the floor. "What the bloody hell did you do to Scabbers?!" Ron demanded as he looked at Percy.

"That's not Scabbers," Percy said as he levitated Peter Pettigrew's unconscious body up into the air. "that is Peter Pettigrew."

"P...Peter Pettigrew! But Sirius Black killed him!" Seamus protested.

"Well, now he is unconscious outside of the common room," Harry informed them. "You're welcome for that by the way."

"Wait, what are you on about?" Harry blurted out.

"Let's just say your godfather might be innocent after all." Percy smiled before he started to walk out.

"Wait!" Ron called. "What are you doing to Scabbers?!" He demanded.

"This is an animagus, you blithering idiot!" Percy barked. "And before you continue to argue with me, I just have to ask, how long have you had him?"

"H...he's been in my family for twelve years," Ron answered.

"Twelve years," Percy repeated before signing. "You are an absolute idiot Weasley. First of all, Rats can't live up to 12 years. Your brother Percy has the same rat so try not to think about the fact that a strange man has been living in your home for the last few years?" Percy said, he didn't wait for an answer and instead walked out of the room with Pettigrew's levitated body following behind him.

When Percy got down to the common room the crowd that had previously been looking at the unconscious body of Sirius Black were now looking at him, they gasped when they saw the unconscious body that was levitating behind him.

"Who is that?!" Hermione Granger said, saying out loud the question that was on everybody's mind.

"Meet Peter Pettigrew," Percy responded, he stopped walking when he saw Crookshanks walk up towards him. Percy ignored the gasps from the others and knelt down and scratched Crookshanks behind the ear. "Hi, Jenna." Percy smiled as the cat purred. "You can transform now."

"Transform?" Hermione blinked before gasping when Crookshanks turned into a tall beautiful witch with blue hair and hazel eyes.

"How did you figure it out?" Jenna asked raising an eyebrow.

"The map." Percy grinned. Jenna's eyes widened and she slapped her forehead. "So this is your common room."

"Yes." One of the Gryffindor's nodded.

"I don't like it." Harry sniffed before he walked out, he dumped Pettigrew's body next to Sirius Black.

"Oi," Jenna said annoyed. "That's my fiancee"

"Well sorry." Percy rolled his eyes

"Who are you!?" Hermione blurted out.

"Granger, meet Jenna Potter, James's potter twin sister and first metamorphagus to transform into an animal. Jenna, Hermione Granger."

Now all the Gryffindors eyes widened. James Potter had a twin sister?

"Dad had a sister," Harry said in a hallowed tone.

"I'll explain later Harry." Jenna grimaced. "Can you tie Pettigrew up?"

"Sure," Percy replied as he tied up Peter. Harry knelt down and began searching the two.

"What are you doing?!" Percy Weasley demanded as he stepped past the other Gryffindor's.

"I'm searching them both." Percy said in an 'it's pretty obvious' voice just before he pulled out a knife that he had taken from Sirius. "Ooh...stabby," Harry said as he looked at it.

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